Elenco Clara - Suzana Pires; Leda - Marieta Severo; Alice - Nathália
Costa; Dircinha - Fabiana Karla; Dra. Carolina - Maria Gal;
Sofia - Giovana Lima; Dra. Mayra - Mariana Costa; Andressa
Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem
Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem
100 Min. Drama
Clara é professora de matemática e faz o maior sucesso como influencer educacional em seu canal na internet. Bem humorada, sarcástica e às vezes debochada, ela gosta de manter tudo sob controle, mas vai precisar aprender a lidar com a vulnerabilidade quando descobre que tem câncer de mama. Com coragem e resiliência, ela enfrenta dias ruins e outros melhores ao lado da família e de amigas leais. Enquanto luta pela cura, Clara tem a chance de celebrar a vida e de ressignificar seus relacionamentos.
Event: dbquery
0.05 ms
146.18 ms
CALL periodosCategorias;
Event: dbquery
0.05 ms
4.73 ms
Before Filters
0.07 ms
48.86 ms
Controller Constructor
3.89 ms
1.52 ms
SELECT `url`
WHERE `CINEMA`.`deleted_at` ISNULL
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.55 ms
WHERE `CINEMA`.`deleted_at` ISNULL
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.50 ms
Event: dbquery
0.03 ms
1.36 ms
ON b.FK_Postagem = p.id
ON b.id = rpc.FK_Periodo
INNERJOIN CINEMA c ON c.id = rpc.FK_Cinema
AND c.FK_Claquete = 83
WHERE p.inicio <= CURDATE()
AND p.fim >= CURDATE()
AND p.deleted_at ISNULLAND p.type = 'promo';
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.84 ms
WHERE M.deleted_at ISNULLAND tipo = 'p'
ORDER by MP.inicio DESC,
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
1.17 ms
CALL BannersByCineTipoPeriodo(83, 'prom,prod');
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
Connecting to Database: "claquete"
1.26 ms
0.46 ms
Event: dbquery
0.03 ms
0.43 ms
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.47 ms
WHERE `FK_Cinema` = '2'
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.45 ms
WHERE `page` = 'filme'
AND `FK_Cinema` = '83'
AND `METATAGS`.`deleted_at` ISNULL
Event: dbquery
0.01 ms
2.13 ms
FROM claquete_principal.FILMES AS f
ON p.FK_Filme = f.CODIGO
AND DATE(p.data_hora) >= CURDATE()
AND p.FK_Cinema = 83;
Event: dbquery
0.05 ms
0.35 ms
WHERE `FK_Claquete` = '83'
AND `CINEMA`.`deleted_at` ISNULL
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
1.14 ms
FROM claquete_principal.FILMES AS F
ON ce.FK_Filme = F.CODIGO
AND ce.`data` = (SELECTMAX(ce2.`data`)
WHERE ce2.`data` <= CURDATE())
Event: dbquery
0.03 ms
0.34 ms
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
2.32 ms
CALL getProgFilme (83, 16025);
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.50 ms
RS.id AS eid,
ON C.id = RS.FK_Cinema
AND RS.deleted_at ISNULLAND C.FK_Claquete = 83;
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
2.97 ms
WHERE deleted_at ISNULLORDERBY nome,
cidade ASC
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
0.72 ms
CALL salasByCineFK(83)
Event: dbquery
0.02 ms
View: Publico/Filme/index.php
12.99 ms
View: Publico/Templates/index.php
4.12 ms
After Filters
0.01 ms
Required After Filters
0.36 ms
Database (20 total Queries, 20 of them unique across 2 Connections)
Query String
0.44 ms
ON b.FK_Postagem = p.id
ON b.id = rpc.FK_Periodo
INNERJOIN CINEMA c ON c.id = rpc.FK_Cinema
AND c.FK_Claquete = 83
WHERE p.inicio <= CURDATE()
AND p.fim >= CURDATE()
AND p.deleted_at ISNULLAND p.type = 'promo';
WHERE M.deleted_at ISNULLAND tipo = 'p'
ORDER by MP.inicio DESC,
FROM claquete_principal.FILMES AS f
ON p.FK_Filme = f.CODIGO
AND DATE(p.data_hora) >= CURDATE()
AND p.FK_Cinema = 83;
FROM claquete_principal.FILMES AS F
ON ce.FK_Filme = F.CODIGO
AND ce.`data` = (SELECTMAX(ce2.`data`)
WHERE ce2.`data` <= CURDATE())
RS.id AS eid,
ON C.id = RS.FK_Cinema
AND RS.deleted_at ISNULLAND C.FK_Claquete = 83;
⇄⧉public SINOPSE -> UTF-8 string (508) "Clara é professora de matemática e faz o maior sucesso como influencer educa...
Clara é professora de matemática e faz o maior sucesso como influencer educacional em seu canal na internet. Bem humorada, sarcástica e às vezes debochada, ela gosta de manter tudo sob controle, mas vai precisar aprender a lidar com a vulnerabilidade quando descobre que tem câncer de mama. Com coragem e resiliência, ela enfrenta dias ruins e outros melhores ao lado da família e de amigas leais. Enquanto luta pela cura, Clara tem a chance de celebrar a vida e de ressignificar seus relacionamentos.
Arcoplex apresenta Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem. Clara é professora de matemática e faz o maior sucesso como influencer educacional em seu canal na internet. Bem humorada, sarcástica e às vezes debochada, ela gosta de manter tudo sob controle, mas vai precisar aprender a lidar com a vulnerabilidade quando descobre que tem câncer de mama. Com coragem e resiliência, ela enfrenta dias ruins e outros melhores ao lado da família e de amigas leais. Enquanto luta pela cura, Clara tem a chance de celebrar a vida e de ressignificar seus relacionamentos.
arcoplex, arcoplex, Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem ,Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem
⧉public setQuery(string $sql, $binds = null, bool $setEscape = true): $this Sets the raw query string to use for this statement.
* Sets the raw query string to use for this statement.
* @param mixed $binds
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:110
⧉public setBinds(array $binds, bool $setEscape = true): $this Will store the variables to bind into the query later.
* Will store the variables to bind into the query later.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:141
⧉public getQuery(): string Returns the final, processed query string after binding, etal has been perfor...
* Returns the final, processed query string after binding, etal
* has been performed.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:160
⧉public setDuration(float $start, ?float $end = null): $this Records the execution time of the statement using microtime(true) for it's st...
* Records the execution time of the statement using microtime(true)
* for it's start and end values. If no end value is present, will
* use the current time to determine total duration.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:176
⧉public getStartTime(bool $returnRaw = false, int $decimals = 6): float|string Returns the start time in seconds with microseconds.
* Returns the start time in seconds with microseconds.
* @return float|string
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:194
⧉public getDuration(int $decimals = 6): string Returns the duration of this query during execution, or null if the query has...
* Returns the duration of this query during execution, or null if
* the query has not been executed yet.
* @param int $decimals The accuracy of the returned time.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:209
⧉public setError(int $code, string $error): $this Stores the error description that happened for this query.
* Stores the error description that happened for this query.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:219
⧉public hasError(): bool Reports whether this statement created an error not.
* Reports whether this statement created an error not.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:230
⧉public getErrorCode(): int Returns the error code created while executing this statement.
* Returns the error code created while executing this statement.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:238
⧉public getErrorMessage(): string Returns the error message created while executing this statement.
* Returns the error message created while executing this statement.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:246
⧉public isWriteType(): bool Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
* Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:254
⧉public swapPrefix(string $orig, string $swap): $this Swaps out one table prefix for a new one.
* Swaps out one table prefix for a new one.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:264
⧉public getOriginalQuery(): string Returns the original SQL that was passed into the system.
* Returns the original SQL that was passed into the system.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:281
⧉public debugToolbarDisplay(): string Returns string to display in debug toolbar
* Returns string to display in debug toolbar
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:373
⧉public __toString(): string Return text representation of the query
* Return text representation of the query
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:427
⧉protected compileBinds() Escapes and inserts any binds into the finalQueryString property.
* Escapes and inserts any binds into the finalQueryString property.
* @see https://regex101.com/r/EUEhay/5
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:291
⧉protected matchNamedBinds(string $sql, array $binds): string Match bindings
* Match bindings
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:319
⧉protected matchSimpleBinds(string $sql, array $binds, int $bindCount, int $ml): string Match bindings
* Match bindings
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:343
⧉public connect(bool $persistent = false): false|mysqli Connect to the database.
* Connect to the database.
* @return false|mysqli
* @throws DatabaseException
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:91
⧉public reconnect(): void Keep or establish the connection if no queries have been sent for a length of...
* Keep or establish the connection if no queries have been sent for
* a length of time exceeding the server's idle timeout.
* @return void
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:243
⧉public setDatabase(string $databaseName): bool Select a specific database table to use.
* Select a specific database table to use.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:262
⧉public getVersion(): string Returns a string containing the version of the database being used.
* Returns a string containing the version of the database being used.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:284
⧉public affectedRows(): int Returns the total number of rows affected by this query.
* Returns the total number of rows affected by this query.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:341
⧉public escapeLikeStringDirect($str): list<string>|string Escape Like String Direct There are a few instances where MySQLi queries cann...
* Escape Like String Direct
* There are a few instances where MySQLi queries cannot take the
* additional "ESCAPE x" parameter for specifying the escape character
* in "LIKE" strings, and this handles those directly with a backslash.
* @param list<string>|string $str Input string
* @return list<string>|string
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:368
⧉public error(): array Returns the last error code and message. Must return this format: ['code' => ...
* Returns the last error code and message.
* Must return this format: ['code' => string|int, 'message' => string]
* intval(code) === 0 means "no error".
* @return array<string, int|string>
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:574
⧉public insertID(): int Insert ID
* Insert ID
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:592
* Saves our connection settings.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:370
⧉public initialize(): void Initializes the database connection/settings.
* Initializes the database connection/settings.
* @return void
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:404
⧉public close(): void Close the database connection.
* Close the database connection.
* @return void
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:483
⧉public persistentConnect(): false|object|resource Create a persistent database connection.
* Create a persistent database connection.
* @return false|object|resource
* @phpstan-return false|TConnection
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:504
⧉public getConnection(?string $alias = null): false|object|resource Returns the actual connection object. If both a 'read' and 'write' connection...
* Returns the actual connection object. If both a 'read' and 'write'
* connection has been specified, you can pass either term in to
* get that connection. If you pass either alias in and only a single
* connection is present, it must return the sole connection.
* @return false|object|resource
* @phpstan-return TConnection
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:518
⧉public getDatabase(): string Returns the name of the current database being used.
* Returns the name of the current database being used.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:527
⧉public setPrefix(string $prefix = ''): string Set DB Prefix
* Set DB Prefix
* Set's the DB Prefix to something new without needing to reconnect
* @param string $prefix The prefix
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:539
⧉public getPrefix(): string Returns the database prefix.
* Returns the database prefix.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:547
⧉public getPlatform(): string The name of the platform in use (MySQLi, Postgre, SQLite3, OCI8, etc)
* The name of the platform in use (MySQLi, Postgre, SQLite3, OCI8, etc)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:555
⧉public setAliasedTables(array $aliases): $this Sets the Table Aliases to use. These are typically collected during use of th...
* Sets the Table Aliases to use. These are typically
* collected during use of the Builder, and set here
* so queries are built correctly.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:567
⧉public addTableAlias(string $table): $this Add a table alias to our list.
* Add a table alias to our list.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:579
⧉public query(string $sql, $binds = null, bool $setEscapeFlags = true, string $queryClass = ''): BaseResult|bool|Query BaseResult when “read” type query, bool when “write” type query, Query when prepared query Orchestrates a query against the database. Queries must use Database\Statemen...
* Orchestrates a query against the database. Queries must use
* Database\Statement objects to store the query and build it.
* This method works with the cache.
* Should automatically handle different connections for read/write
* queries if needed.
* @param array|string|null $binds
* @return BaseResult|bool|Query BaseResult when “read” type query, bool when “write” type query, Query when prepared query
* @phpstan-return BaseResult<TConnection, TResult>|bool|Query
* @todo BC set $queryClass default as null in 4.1
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:611
⧉public simpleQuery(string $sql): false|object|resource Performs a basic query against the database. No binding or caching is perform...
* Performs a basic query against the database. No binding or caching
* is performed, nor are transactions handled. Simply takes a raw
* query string and returns the database-specific result id.
* @return false|object|resource
* @phpstan-return false|TResult
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:728
⧉public transOff(): void Disable Transactions
* Disable Transactions
* This permits transactions to be disabled at run-time.
* @return void
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:744
* Enable/disable Transaction Strict Mode
* When strict mode is enabled, if you are running multiple groups of
* transactions, if one group fails all subsequent groups will be
* rolled back.
* If strict mode is disabled, each group is treated autonomously,
* meaning a failure of one group will not affect any others
* @param bool $mode = true
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:763
* Start Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:773
⧉public transException(bool $transExcetion): $this If set to true, exceptions are thrown during transactions.
* If set to true, exceptions are thrown during transactions.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:787
* Complete Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:797
⧉public transStatus(): bool Lets you retrieve the transaction flag to determine if it has failed
* Lets you retrieve the transaction flag to determine if it has failed
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:823
⧉public transBegin(bool $testMode = false): bool Begin Transaction
* Begin Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:831
⧉public transCommit(): bool Commit Transaction
* Commit Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:865
* Rollback Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:884
⧉public table($tableName): BaseBuilder Returns a non-shared new instance of the query builder for this connection.
* Returns a non-shared new instance of the query builder for this connection.
* @param array|string $tableName
* @return BaseBuilder
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:924
⧉public newQuery(): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseBuilder Returns a new instance of the BaseBuilder class with a cleared FROM clause.
* Returns a new instance of the BaseBuilder class with a cleared FROM clause.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:938
⧉public prepare(Closure $func, array $options = array()): BasePreparedQuery|null Creates a prepared statement with the database that can then be used to execu...
* Creates a prepared statement with the database that can then
* be used to execute multiple statements against. Within the
* closure, you would build the query in any normal way, though
* the Query Builder is the expected manner.
* Example:
* $stmt = $db->prepare(function($db)
* {
* return $db->table('users')
* ->where('id', 1)
* ->get();
* })
* @return BasePreparedQuery|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:964
⧉public getLastQuery(): Query Returns the last query's statement object.
* Returns the last query's statement object.
* @return Query
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:992
⧉public showLastQuery(): string Returns a string representation of the last query's statement object.
* Returns a string representation of the last query's statement object.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1000
⧉public getConnectStart(): ?float Returns the time we started to connect to this database in seconds with micro...
* Returns the time we started to connect to this database in
* seconds with microseconds.
* Used by the Debug Toolbar's timeline.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1011
⧉public getConnectDuration(int $decimals = 6): string Returns the number of seconds with microseconds that it took to connect to th...
* Returns the number of seconds with microseconds that it took
* to connect to the database.
* Used by the Debug Toolbar's timeline.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1022
* Protect Identifiers
* This function is used extensively by the Query Builder class, and by
* a couple functions in this class.
* It takes a column or table name (optionally with an alias) and inserts
* the table prefix onto it. Some logic is necessary in order to deal with
* column names that include the path. Consider a query like this:
* SELECT hostname.database.table.column AS c FROM hostname.database.table
* Or a query with aliasing:
* SELECT m.member_id, m.member_name FROM members AS m
* Since the column name can include up to four segments (host, DB, table, column)
* or also have an alias prefix, we need to do a bit of work to figure this out and
* insert the table prefix (if it exists) in the proper position, and escape only
* the correct identifiers.
* @param array|int|string $item
* @param bool $prefixSingle Prefix a table name with no segments?
* @param bool $protectIdentifiers Protect table or column names?
* @param bool $fieldExists Supplied $item contains a column name?
* @return array|string
* @phpstan-return ($item is array ? array : string)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1055
⧉public escapeIdentifier(string $item): string Escape the SQL Identifier
* Escape the SQL Identifier
* This function escapes single identifier.
* @param non-empty-string $item
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1215
⧉public escapeIdentifiers($item): array|string Escape the SQL Identifiers
* Escape the SQL Identifiers
* This function escapes column and table names
* @param array|string $item
* @return array|string
* @phpstan-return ($item is array ? array : string)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1236
⧉public prefixTable(string $table = ''): string Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration
* Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1296
* Escape String
* @param list<string|Stringable>|string|Stringable $str Input string
* @param bool $like Whether the string will be used in a LIKE condition
* @return list<string>|string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1354
⧉public escapeLikeString($str): list<string>|string Escape LIKE String
* Escape LIKE String
* Calls the individual driver for platform
* specific escaping for LIKE conditions
* @param list<string|Stringable>|string|Stringable $str
* @return list<string>|string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1404
⧉public callFunction(string $functionName, $params): bool This function enables you to call PHP database functions that are not nativel...
* This function enables you to call PHP database functions that are not natively included
* in CodeIgniter, in a platform independent manner.
* @param array ...$params
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1427
⧉public listTables(bool $constrainByPrefix = false): false|list<string> Returns an array of table names
* Returns an array of table names
* @return false|list<string>
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1465
⧉public tableExists(string $tableName, bool $cached = true): bool Determine if a particular table exists
* Determine if a particular table exists
* @param bool $cached Whether to use data cache
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1502
⧉public getFieldNames(string $table): false|list<string> Fetch Field Names
* Fetch Field Names
* @return false|list<string>
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1543
⧉public fieldExists(string $fieldName, string $tableName): bool Determine if a particular field exists
* Determine if a particular field exists
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1588
⧉public getFieldData(string $table): list<stdClass> Returns an object with field data
* Returns an object with field data
* @return list<stdClass>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1598
⧉public getIndexData(string $table): array<string, stdClass> Returns an object with key data
* Returns an object with key data
* @return array<string, stdClass>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1608
⧉public getForeignKeyData(string $table): array<string, stdClass> Returns an object with foreign key data
* Returns an object with foreign key data
* @return array<string, stdClass>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1618
* Enables foreign key checks temporarily.
* @return bool
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1692
⧉public pretend(bool $pretend = true): $this Allows the engine to be set into a mode where queries are not actually execut...
* Allows the engine to be set into a mode where queries are not
* actually executed, but they are still generated, timed, etc.
* This is primarily used by the prepared query functionality.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1712
⧉public resetDataCache(): $this Empties our data cache. Especially helpful during testing.
* Empties our data cache. Especially helpful during testing.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1724
⧉public isWriteType($sql): bool Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
* Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
* @param string $sql
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1736
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|resource|string|null Accessor for properties if they exist.
* Accessor for properties if they exist.
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|resource|string|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1838
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Checker for properties existence.
* Checker for properties existence.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1850
⧉protected _close(): void Close the database connection.
* Close the database connection.
* @return void
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:254
⧉protected execute(string $sql): false|mysqli_result; Executes the query against the database.
* Executes the query against the database.
* @return false|mysqli_result;
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:302
⧉protected prepQuery(string $sql): string Prep the query. If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string
* Prep the query. If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:327
* Platform-dependant string escape
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:349
⧉protected _listTables(bool $prefixLimit = false, ?string $tableName = null): string Generates the SQL for listing tables in a platform-dependent manner. Uses esc...
* Generates the SQL for listing tables in a platform-dependent manner.
* Uses escapeLikeStringDirect().
* @param string|null $tableName If $tableName is provided will return only this table if exists.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:394
⧉protected _listColumns(string $table = ''): string Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fe...
* Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fetched.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:412
⧉protected _fieldData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with field data
* Returns an array of objects with field data
* @return list<stdClass>
* @throws DatabaseException
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:424
⧉protected _indexData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with index data
* Returns an array of objects with index data
* @return array<string, stdClass>
* @throws DatabaseException
* @throws LogicException
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:457
⧉protected _foreignKeyData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with Foreign key data
* Returns an array of objects with Foreign key data
* @return array<string, stdClass>
* @throws DatabaseException
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:502
* Rollback Transaction
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:624
⧉protected getDriverFunctionPrefix(): string Get the prefix of the function to access the DB.
* Get the prefix of the function to access the DB.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1449
⧉protected foreignKeyDataToObjects(array $data): array<string, stdClass> Converts array of arrays generated by _foreignKeyData() to array of objects
* Converts array of arrays generated by _foreignKeyData() to array of objects
* @return array<string, stdClass>
* array[
* {constraint_name} =>
* stdClass[
* 'constraint_name' => string,
* 'table_name' => string,
* 'column_name' => string[],
* 'foreign_table_name' => string,
* 'foreign_column_name' => string[],
* 'on_delete' => string,
* 'on_update' => string,
* 'match' => string
* ]
* ]
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1642
⧉public setQuery(string $sql, $binds = null, bool $setEscape = true): $this Sets the raw query string to use for this statement.
* Sets the raw query string to use for this statement.
* @param mixed $binds
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:110
⧉public setBinds(array $binds, bool $setEscape = true): $this Will store the variables to bind into the query later.
* Will store the variables to bind into the query later.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:141
⧉public getQuery(): string Returns the final, processed query string after binding, etal has been perfor...
* Returns the final, processed query string after binding, etal
* has been performed.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:160
⧉public setDuration(float $start, ?float $end = null): $this Records the execution time of the statement using microtime(true) for it's st...
* Records the execution time of the statement using microtime(true)
* for it's start and end values. If no end value is present, will
* use the current time to determine total duration.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:176
⧉public getStartTime(bool $returnRaw = false, int $decimals = 6): float|string Returns the start time in seconds with microseconds.
* Returns the start time in seconds with microseconds.
* @return float|string
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:194
⧉public getDuration(int $decimals = 6): string Returns the duration of this query during execution, or null if the query has...
* Returns the duration of this query during execution, or null if
* the query has not been executed yet.
* @param int $decimals The accuracy of the returned time.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:209
⧉public setError(int $code, string $error): $this Stores the error description that happened for this query.
* Stores the error description that happened for this query.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:219
⧉public hasError(): bool Reports whether this statement created an error not.
* Reports whether this statement created an error not.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:230
⧉public getErrorCode(): int Returns the error code created while executing this statement.
* Returns the error code created while executing this statement.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:238
⧉public getErrorMessage(): string Returns the error message created while executing this statement.
* Returns the error message created while executing this statement.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:246
⧉public isWriteType(): bool Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
* Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:254
⧉public swapPrefix(string $orig, string $swap): $this Swaps out one table prefix for a new one.
* Swaps out one table prefix for a new one.
* @return $this
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:264
⧉public getOriginalQuery(): string Returns the original SQL that was passed into the system.
* Returns the original SQL that was passed into the system.
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:281
⧉public debugToolbarDisplay(): string Returns string to display in debug toolbar
* Returns string to display in debug toolbar
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:373
⧉public __toString(): string Return text representation of the query
* Return text representation of the query
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:427
⧉protected compileBinds() Escapes and inserts any binds into the finalQueryString property.
* Escapes and inserts any binds into the finalQueryString property.
* @see https://regex101.com/r/EUEhay/5
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:291
⧉protected matchNamedBinds(string $sql, array $binds): string Match bindings
* Match bindings
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:319
⧉protected matchSimpleBinds(string $sql, array $binds, int $bindCount, int $ml): string Match bindings
* Match bindings
Defined in .../Database/Query.php:343
⧉public connect(bool $persistent = false): false|mysqli Connect to the database.
* Connect to the database.
* @return false|mysqli
* @throws DatabaseException
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:91
⧉public reconnect(): void Keep or establish the connection if no queries have been sent for a length of...
* Keep or establish the connection if no queries have been sent for
* a length of time exceeding the server's idle timeout.
* @return void
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:243
⧉public setDatabase(string $databaseName): bool Select a specific database table to use.
* Select a specific database table to use.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:262
⧉public getVersion(): string Returns a string containing the version of the database being used.
* Returns a string containing the version of the database being used.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:284
⧉public affectedRows(): int Returns the total number of rows affected by this query.
* Returns the total number of rows affected by this query.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:341
⧉public escapeLikeStringDirect($str): list<string>|string Escape Like String Direct There are a few instances where MySQLi queries cann...
* Escape Like String Direct
* There are a few instances where MySQLi queries cannot take the
* additional "ESCAPE x" parameter for specifying the escape character
* in "LIKE" strings, and this handles those directly with a backslash.
* @param list<string>|string $str Input string
* @return list<string>|string
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:368
⧉public error(): array Returns the last error code and message. Must return this format: ['code' => ...
* Returns the last error code and message.
* Must return this format: ['code' => string|int, 'message' => string]
* intval(code) === 0 means "no error".
* @return array<string, int|string>
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:574
⧉public insertID(): int Insert ID
* Insert ID
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:592
* Saves our connection settings.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:370
⧉public initialize(): void Initializes the database connection/settings.
* Initializes the database connection/settings.
* @return void
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:404
⧉public close(): void Close the database connection.
* Close the database connection.
* @return void
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:483
⧉public persistentConnect(): false|object|resource Create a persistent database connection.
* Create a persistent database connection.
* @return false|object|resource
* @phpstan-return false|TConnection
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:504
⧉public getConnection(?string $alias = null): false|object|resource Returns the actual connection object. If both a 'read' and 'write' connection...
* Returns the actual connection object. If both a 'read' and 'write'
* connection has been specified, you can pass either term in to
* get that connection. If you pass either alias in and only a single
* connection is present, it must return the sole connection.
* @return false|object|resource
* @phpstan-return TConnection
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:518
⧉public getDatabase(): string Returns the name of the current database being used.
* Returns the name of the current database being used.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:527
⧉public setPrefix(string $prefix = ''): string Set DB Prefix
* Set DB Prefix
* Set's the DB Prefix to something new without needing to reconnect
* @param string $prefix The prefix
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:539
⧉public getPrefix(): string Returns the database prefix.
* Returns the database prefix.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:547
⧉public getPlatform(): string The name of the platform in use (MySQLi, Postgre, SQLite3, OCI8, etc)
* The name of the platform in use (MySQLi, Postgre, SQLite3, OCI8, etc)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:555
⧉public setAliasedTables(array $aliases): $this Sets the Table Aliases to use. These are typically collected during use of th...
* Sets the Table Aliases to use. These are typically
* collected during use of the Builder, and set here
* so queries are built correctly.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:567
⧉public addTableAlias(string $table): $this Add a table alias to our list.
* Add a table alias to our list.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:579
⧉public query(string $sql, $binds = null, bool $setEscapeFlags = true, string $queryClass = ''): BaseResult|bool|Query BaseResult when “read” type query, bool when “write” type query, Query when prepared query Orchestrates a query against the database. Queries must use Database\Statemen...
* Orchestrates a query against the database. Queries must use
* Database\Statement objects to store the query and build it.
* This method works with the cache.
* Should automatically handle different connections for read/write
* queries if needed.
* @param array|string|null $binds
* @return BaseResult|bool|Query BaseResult when “read” type query, bool when “write” type query, Query when prepared query
* @phpstan-return BaseResult<TConnection, TResult>|bool|Query
* @todo BC set $queryClass default as null in 4.1
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:611
⧉public simpleQuery(string $sql): false|object|resource Performs a basic query against the database. No binding or caching is perform...
* Performs a basic query against the database. No binding or caching
* is performed, nor are transactions handled. Simply takes a raw
* query string and returns the database-specific result id.
* @return false|object|resource
* @phpstan-return false|TResult
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:728
⧉public transOff(): void Disable Transactions
* Disable Transactions
* This permits transactions to be disabled at run-time.
* @return void
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:744
* Enable/disable Transaction Strict Mode
* When strict mode is enabled, if you are running multiple groups of
* transactions, if one group fails all subsequent groups will be
* rolled back.
* If strict mode is disabled, each group is treated autonomously,
* meaning a failure of one group will not affect any others
* @param bool $mode = true
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:763
* Start Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:773
⧉public transException(bool $transExcetion): $this If set to true, exceptions are thrown during transactions.
* If set to true, exceptions are thrown during transactions.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:787
* Complete Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:797
⧉public transStatus(): bool Lets you retrieve the transaction flag to determine if it has failed
* Lets you retrieve the transaction flag to determine if it has failed
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:823
⧉public transBegin(bool $testMode = false): bool Begin Transaction
* Begin Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:831
⧉public transCommit(): bool Commit Transaction
* Commit Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:865
* Rollback Transaction
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:884
⧉public table($tableName): BaseBuilder Returns a non-shared new instance of the query builder for this connection.
* Returns a non-shared new instance of the query builder for this connection.
* @param array|string $tableName
* @return BaseBuilder
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:924
⧉public newQuery(): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseBuilder Returns a new instance of the BaseBuilder class with a cleared FROM clause.
* Returns a new instance of the BaseBuilder class with a cleared FROM clause.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:938
⧉public prepare(Closure $func, array $options = array()): BasePreparedQuery|null Creates a prepared statement with the database that can then be used to execu...
* Creates a prepared statement with the database that can then
* be used to execute multiple statements against. Within the
* closure, you would build the query in any normal way, though
* the Query Builder is the expected manner.
* Example:
* $stmt = $db->prepare(function($db)
* {
* return $db->table('users')
* ->where('id', 1)
* ->get();
* })
* @return BasePreparedQuery|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:964
⧉public getLastQuery(): Query Returns the last query's statement object.
* Returns the last query's statement object.
* @return Query
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:992
⧉public showLastQuery(): string Returns a string representation of the last query's statement object.
* Returns a string representation of the last query's statement object.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1000
⧉public getConnectStart(): ?float Returns the time we started to connect to this database in seconds with micro...
* Returns the time we started to connect to this database in
* seconds with microseconds.
* Used by the Debug Toolbar's timeline.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1011
⧉public getConnectDuration(int $decimals = 6): string Returns the number of seconds with microseconds that it took to connect to th...
* Returns the number of seconds with microseconds that it took
* to connect to the database.
* Used by the Debug Toolbar's timeline.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1022
* Protect Identifiers
* This function is used extensively by the Query Builder class, and by
* a couple functions in this class.
* It takes a column or table name (optionally with an alias) and inserts
* the table prefix onto it. Some logic is necessary in order to deal with
* column names that include the path. Consider a query like this:
* SELECT hostname.database.table.column AS c FROM hostname.database.table
* Or a query with aliasing:
* SELECT m.member_id, m.member_name FROM members AS m
* Since the column name can include up to four segments (host, DB, table, column)
* or also have an alias prefix, we need to do a bit of work to figure this out and
* insert the table prefix (if it exists) in the proper position, and escape only
* the correct identifiers.
* @param array|int|string $item
* @param bool $prefixSingle Prefix a table name with no segments?
* @param bool $protectIdentifiers Protect table or column names?
* @param bool $fieldExists Supplied $item contains a column name?
* @return array|string
* @phpstan-return ($item is array ? array : string)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1055
⧉public escapeIdentifier(string $item): string Escape the SQL Identifier
* Escape the SQL Identifier
* This function escapes single identifier.
* @param non-empty-string $item
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1215
⧉public escapeIdentifiers($item): array|string Escape the SQL Identifiers
* Escape the SQL Identifiers
* This function escapes column and table names
* @param array|string $item
* @return array|string
* @phpstan-return ($item is array ? array : string)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1236
⧉public prefixTable(string $table = ''): string Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration
* Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1296
* Escape String
* @param list<string|Stringable>|string|Stringable $str Input string
* @param bool $like Whether the string will be used in a LIKE condition
* @return list<string>|string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1354
⧉public escapeLikeString($str): list<string>|string Escape LIKE String
* Escape LIKE String
* Calls the individual driver for platform
* specific escaping for LIKE conditions
* @param list<string|Stringable>|string|Stringable $str
* @return list<string>|string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1404
⧉public callFunction(string $functionName, $params): bool This function enables you to call PHP database functions that are not nativel...
* This function enables you to call PHP database functions that are not natively included
* in CodeIgniter, in a platform independent manner.
* @param array ...$params
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1427
⧉public listTables(bool $constrainByPrefix = false): false|list<string> Returns an array of table names
* Returns an array of table names
* @return false|list<string>
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1465
⧉public tableExists(string $tableName, bool $cached = true): bool Determine if a particular table exists
* Determine if a particular table exists
* @param bool $cached Whether to use data cache
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1502
⧉public getFieldNames(string $table): false|list<string> Fetch Field Names
* Fetch Field Names
* @return false|list<string>
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1543
⧉public fieldExists(string $fieldName, string $tableName): bool Determine if a particular field exists
* Determine if a particular field exists
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1588
⧉public getFieldData(string $table): list<stdClass> Returns an object with field data
* Returns an object with field data
* @return list<stdClass>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1598
⧉public getIndexData(string $table): array<string, stdClass> Returns an object with key data
* Returns an object with key data
* @return array<string, stdClass>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1608
⧉public getForeignKeyData(string $table): array<string, stdClass> Returns an object with foreign key data
* Returns an object with foreign key data
* @return array<string, stdClass>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1618
* Enables foreign key checks temporarily.
* @return bool
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1692
⧉public pretend(bool $pretend = true): $this Allows the engine to be set into a mode where queries are not actually execut...
* Allows the engine to be set into a mode where queries are not
* actually executed, but they are still generated, timed, etc.
* This is primarily used by the prepared query functionality.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1712
⧉public resetDataCache(): $this Empties our data cache. Especially helpful during testing.
* Empties our data cache. Especially helpful during testing.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1724
⧉public isWriteType($sql): bool Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
* Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
* @param string $sql
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1736
⧉public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|resource|string|null Accessor for properties if they exist.
* Accessor for properties if they exist.
* @return array|bool|float|int|object|resource|string|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1838
⧉public __isset(string $key): bool Checker for properties existence.
* Checker for properties existence.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1850
⧉protected _close(): void Close the database connection.
* Close the database connection.
* @return void
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:254
⧉protected execute(string $sql): false|mysqli_result; Executes the query against the database.
* Executes the query against the database.
* @return false|mysqli_result;
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:302
⧉protected prepQuery(string $sql): string Prep the query. If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string
* Prep the query. If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:327
* Platform-dependant string escape
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:349
⧉protected _listTables(bool $prefixLimit = false, ?string $tableName = null): string Generates the SQL for listing tables in a platform-dependent manner. Uses esc...
* Generates the SQL for listing tables in a platform-dependent manner.
* Uses escapeLikeStringDirect().
* @param string|null $tableName If $tableName is provided will return only this table if exists.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:394
⧉protected _listColumns(string $table = ''): string Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fe...
* Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fetched.
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:412
⧉protected _fieldData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with field data
* Returns an array of objects with field data
* @return list<stdClass>
* @throws DatabaseException
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:424
⧉protected _indexData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with index data
* Returns an array of objects with index data
* @return array<string, stdClass>
* @throws DatabaseException
* @throws LogicException
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:457
⧉protected _foreignKeyData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with Foreign key data
* Returns an array of objects with Foreign key data
* @return array<string, stdClass>
* @throws DatabaseException
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:502
* Rollback Transaction
Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:624
⧉protected getDriverFunctionPrefix(): string Get the prefix of the function to access the DB.
* Get the prefix of the function to access the DB.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1449
⧉protected foreignKeyDataToObjects(array $data): array<string, stdClass> Converts array of arrays generated by _foreignKeyData() to array of objects
* Converts array of arrays generated by _foreignKeyData() to array of objects
* @return array<string, stdClass>
* array[
* {constraint_name} =>
* stdClass[
* 'constraint_name' => string,
* 'table_name' => string,
* 'column_name' => string[],
* 'foreign_table_name' => string,
* 'foreign_column_name' => string[],
* 'on_delete' => string,
* 'on_update' => string,
* 'match' => string
* ]
* ]
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1642
⇄⧉public getRelFilmeIngresso(): object lista de programação ingresso. Retorna a programação da Ingresso.com no Claquete
* Retorna a programação da Ingresso.com no Claquete
* @return object lista de programação ingresso.
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:17
⇄⧉public getRelFilmeVelox(): object lista de programação ingresso. Retorna a programação da Ingresso.com no Claquete
* Retorna a programação da Ingresso.com no Claquete
* @return object lista de programação ingresso.
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:30
⇄⧉public getMoviesInProg($data0, $fim0, $new0): object Lista de Filmes e sua Categoria de exibição. Retorna uma lista dos filmes na Programação, caso o filme não tenha um status...
$value->getMoviesInProg($data0, $fim0, $new0)
* Retorna uma lista dos filmes na Programação, caso o filme não tenha um status
* o mesmo recebra automaticamente o status 'c' que representa em cartaz(1°Query).
* Caso o filme ja exista é consultado no sistema o status atual do mesmo e
* retornado(2°Query).
* @param data $data Data de inicio do periodo
* @param int $fim Irrelevante
* @param int $new Se a consulta deve ser executada como filme novo ou existente.
* @return object Lista de Filmes e sua Categoria de exibição.
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:49
⇄⧉public getRelFilmeCategoriaGroupByDay(): array Lista de Filmes e Status de Exibição. Retorna a listagem dos Filmes pelos periodos de exibição definidos nas Catego...
* Retorna a listagem dos Filmes pelos periodos de exibição definidos nas Categorias.
* @return array Lista de Filmes e Status de Exibição.
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:62
⇄⧉public getRelProgramacaoStatus($cod_cinema_claquete, $emBreve = null, $today = false, $rede = null): array listagem de Filmes e status. Retorna a listagem do Status de Exibição de todos os filmes em todas as categ...
* Retorna a listagem do Status de Exibição de todos os filmes em todas as categorias junto a
* seus respectivos filmes.
* @param int $cod_cinema_claquete
* @return array listagem de Filmes e status.
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:81
⇄⧉public getDataRelProgramacaoStatus(): date Data de inicio da Programação. Retorna a data de inicio da Programação presente no sistema.
* Retorna a data de inicio da Programação presente no sistema.
* @return date Data de inicio da Programação.
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:138
⇄⧉public getMovieById($fkClaquete): object Filme e status. Retorna um filme por seu ID junto com seu status de exibição atual.
* Retorna um filme por seu ID junto com seu status de exibição atual.
* @param int $cine Id do Cinema.
* @param int $fkClaquete Id do Filme.
* @return object Filme e status.
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:155
⇄⧉public getFotosFilme($fkClaquete) método para pegar o filme
/** método para pegar o filme */
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:188
⇄⧉public getExibicao($cod_cinema, $tipo): object Lista de Staus de Exibição atual dos Filmes. Retorna os filmes pelo cinema agrupado pelo status, no tipo 1 temos a aba Em ...
$value->getExibicao($cod_cinema, $tipo)
* Retorna os filmes pelo cinema agrupado pelo status, no tipo 1 temos a aba Em Cartaz
* da Homepage do Publico do site. Caso tipo seja 0 deveria-se poder especificar qual grupo d
* e status se quer ter, aguardando desenvolvimento.
* @param int $cod_cinema id do Cinema.
* @param int $tipo tipo de pesquisa 1 -> Cartaz se não um status especifico.
* @return object Lista de Staus de Exibição atual dos Filmes.
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:205
⇄⧉public getFilmesEmBreve()
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:251
⇄⧉public cinemasFilmeEmBreve($FK_Filme)
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:263
⇄⧉public filmesVendaBem(): object lista de Filmes VendaBem. Retorna um a lista dos filmes da vendaBem que ja foram cadastrados.
* Retorna um a lista dos filmes da vendaBem que ja foram cadastrados.
* @return object lista de Filmes VendaBem.
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:284
⇄⧉public buscaFilmes($termo)
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:293
⇄⧉public statusFilme($fkCinema): object Pegas os filme em Cartaz e exibição e
* Pegas os filme em Cartaz e exibição e
* @return object
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:310
⇄⧉public seekAcessibilidade($idFilme)
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:347
⇄⧉public generos()
Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:366
⇄⧉public proxQuinta(): date Retorna a proxima quinta-feira
* Retorna a proxima quinta-feira
* @return date
Inherited from App\Models\BaseModel
Defined in .../app/Models/BaseModel.php:201
⇄⧉public getLinkVendBem($cinema, $filme, $sessao, $idSessao): String Retorna o link de Sessão VendaBem
new \App\Models\FilmeClaqueteMD(?CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface $db = null, ?CodeIgniter\Validation\ValidationInterface $validation = null)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:150
⇄⧉public setTable(string $table): $this Specify the table associated with a model
$value->setTable(string $table)
* Specify the table associated with a model
* @param string $table Table
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:169
⇄⧉public getIdValue($row): array|int|string|null Returns the id value for the data array or object
* Returns the id value for the data array or object
* @param array|object $row Row data
* @phpstan-param row_array|object $row
* @return array|int|string|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:593
⇄⧉public chunk(int $size, Closure $userFunc): void Loops over records in batches, allowing you to operate on them. Works with $t...
$value->chunk(int $size, Closure $userFunc)
* Loops over records in batches, allowing you to operate on them.
* Works with $this->builder to get the Compiled select to
* determine the rows to operate on.
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @return void
* @throws DataException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:631
⇄⧉public countAllResults(bool $reset = true, bool $test = false): int|string Override countAllResults to account for soft deleted accounts.
* Override countAllResults to account for soft deleted accounts.
* @return int|string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:665
⇄⧉public builder(?string $table = null): BaseBuilder Provides a shared instance of the Query Builder.
$value->builder(?string $table = null)
* Provides a shared instance of the Query Builder.
* @param non-empty-string|null $table
* @return BaseBuilder
* @throws ModelException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:690
⇄⧉public set($key, $value = '', ?bool $escape = null): $this Captures the builder's set() method so that we can validate the data here. Th...
* Captures the builder's set() method so that we can validate the
* data here. This allows it to be used with any of the other
* builder methods and still get validated data, like replace.
* @param array|object|string $key Field name, or an array of field/value pairs, or an object
* @param bool|float|int|object|string|null $value Field value, if $key is a single field
* @param bool|null $escape Whether to escape values
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:737
⇄⧉public insert($row = null, bool $returnID = true): bool|int|string Inserts data into the database. If an object is provided, it will attempt to ...
* Inserts data into the database. If an object is provided,
* it will attempt to convert it to an array.
* @param array|object|null $row
* @phpstan-param row_array|object|null $row
* @param bool $returnID Whether insert ID should be returned or not.
* @return bool|int|string
* @phpstan-return ($returnID is true ? int|string|false : bool)
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:788
⇄⧉public update($id = null, $row = null): bool Updates a single record in the database. If an object is provided, it will at...
$value->update($id = null, $row = null)
* Updates a single record in the database. If an object is provided,
* it will attempt to convert it into an array.
* @param array|int|string|null $id
* @param array|object|null $row
* @phpstan-param row_array|object|null $row
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:851
⧉public __get(string $name): array|BaseBuilder|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides/instantiates the builder/db connection and model's table/primary key...
* Provides/instantiates the builder/db connection and model's table/primary key names and return type.
* @param string $name Name
* @return array|BaseBuilder|bool|float|int|object|string|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:891
⧉public __isset(string $name): bool Checks for the existence of properties across this model, builder, and db con...
* Checks for the existence of properties across this model, builder, and db connection.
* @param string $name Name
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:905
⧉public __call(string $name, array $params): $this|array|BaseBuilder|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides direct access to method in the builder (if available) and the databa...
* Provides direct access to method in the builder (if available)
* and the database connection.
* @return $this|array|BaseBuilder|bool|float|int|object|string|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:920
⇄⧉public find($id = null): array|object|null The resulting row of data, or null. Fetches the row of database.
$value->find($id = null)
* Fetches the row of database.
* @param array|int|string|null $id One primary key or an array of primary keys
* @return array|object|null The resulting row of data, or null.
* @phpstan-return ($id is int|string ? row_array|object|null : list<row_array|object>)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:591
⇄⧉public findColumn(string $columnName): array|null The resulting row of data, or null if no data found. Fetches the column of database.
$value->findColumn(string $columnName)
* Fetches the column of database.
* @param string $columnName Column Name
* @return array|null The resulting row of data, or null if no data found.
* @throws DataException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:635
⇄⧉public findAll(?int $limit = null, int $offset0): array Fetches all results, while optionally limiting them.
$value->findAll(?int $limit = null, int $offset0)
* Fetches all results, while optionally limiting them.
* @param int $limit Limit
* @param int $offset Offset
* @return array
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:654
⇄⧉public first(): array|object|null Returns the first row of the result set.
* Returns the first row of the result set.
* @return array|object|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:699
⇄⧉public save($row): bool A convenience method that will attempt to determine whether the data should b...
* A convenience method that will attempt to determine whether the
* data should be inserted or updated. Will work with either
* an array or object. When using with custom class objects,
* you must ensure that the class will provide access to the class
* variables, even if through a magic method.
* @param array|object $row Row data
* @phpstan-param row_array|object $row
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:742
⇄⧉public getInsertID(): int|string Returns last insert ID or 0.
* Returns last insert ID or 0.
* @return int|string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:780
⇄⧉public insertBatch(?array $set = null, ?bool $escape = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $testing = false): bool|int Number of rows inserted or FALSE on failure Compiles batch insert runs the queries, validating each row prior.
* Compiles batch insert runs the queries, validating each row prior.
* @param list<array|object>|null $set an associative array of insert values
* @phpstan-param list<row_array|object>|null $set
* @param bool|null $escape Whether to escape values
* @param int $batchSize The size of the batch to run
* @param bool $testing True means only number of records is returned, false will execute the query
* @return bool|int Number of rows inserted or FALSE on failure
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:907
⇄⧉public updateBatch(?array $set = null, ?string $index = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $returnSQL = false): false|int|list<string> Number of rows affected or FALSE on failure, SQL array when testMode Compiles an update and runs the query.
* Compiles an update and runs the query.
* @param list<array|object>|null $set an associative array of insert values
* @phpstan-param list<row_array|object>|null $set
* @param string|null $index The where key
* @param int $batchSize The size of the batch to run
* @param bool $returnSQL True means SQL is returned, false will execute the query
* @return false|int|list<string> Number of rows affected or FALSE on failure, SQL array when testMode
* @throws DatabaseException
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1054
⇄⧉public delete($id = null, bool $purge = false): BaseResult|bool Deletes a single record from the database where $id matches.
$value->delete($id = null, bool $purge = false)
* Deletes a single record from the database where $id matches.
* @param array|int|string|null $id The rows primary key(s)
* @param bool $purge Allows overriding the soft deletes setting.
* @return BaseResult|bool
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1135
⇄⧉public purgeDeleted(): bool|string Returns a string if in test mode. Permanently deletes all rows that have been marked as deleted through soft de...
* Permanently deletes all rows that have been marked as deleted
* through soft deletes (deleted = 1).
* @return bool|string Returns a string if in test mode.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1176
⇄⧉public withDeleted(bool $val = true): $this Sets $useSoftDeletes value so that we can temporarily override the soft delet...
$value->withDeleted(bool $val = true)
* Sets $useSoftDeletes value so that we can temporarily override
* the soft deletes settings. Can be used for all find* methods.
* @param bool $val Value
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1193
⇄⧉public onlyDeleted(): $this Works with the find* methods to return only the rows that have been deleted.
* Works with the find* methods to return only the rows that
* have been deleted.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1206
⇄⧉public replace(?array $row = null, bool $returnSQL = false): BaseResult|false|Query|string Compiles a replace and runs the query.
* Compiles a replace and runs the query.
* @param array|null $row Row data
* @phpstan-param row_array|null $row
* @param bool $returnSQL Set to true to return Query String
* @return BaseResult|false|Query|string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1223
⇄⧉public errors(bool $forceDB = false): array<string,string> Grabs the last error(s) that occurred. If data was validated, it will first c...
$value->errors(bool $forceDB = false)
* Grabs the last error(s) that occurred. If data was validated,
* it will first check for errors there, otherwise will try to
* grab the last error from the Database connection.
* The return array should be in the following format:
* ['source' => 'message']
* @param bool $forceDB Always grab the db error, not validation
* @return array<string,string>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1247
⇄⧉public paginate(?int $perPage = null, string $group = 'default', ?int $page = null, int $segment0): array|null Works with Pager to get the size and offset parameters. Expects a GET variabl...
* Works with Pager to get the size and offset parameters.
* Expects a GET variable (?page=2) that specifies the page of results
* to display.
* @param int|null $perPage Items per page
* @param string $group Will be used by the pagination library to identify a unique pagination set.
* @param int|null $page Optional page number (useful when the page number is provided in different way)
* @param int $segment Optional URI segment number (if page number is provided by URI segment)
* @return array|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1273
⇄⧉public setAllowedFields(array $allowedFields): $this It could be used when you have to change default or override current allowed ...
$value->setAllowedFields(array $allowedFields)
* It could be used when you have to change default or override current allowed fields.
* @param array $allowedFields Array with names of fields
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1298
⇄⧉public protect(bool $protect = true): $this Sets whether or not we should whitelist data set during updates or inserts ag...
$value->protect(bool $protect = true)
* Sets whether or not we should whitelist data set during
* updates or inserts against $this->availableFields.
* @param bool $protect Value
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1313
⇄⧉public skipValidation(bool $skip = true): $this Set the value of the skipValidation flag.
$value->skipValidation(bool $skip = true)
* Set the value of the skipValidation flag.
* @param bool $skip Value
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1440
⇄⧉public setValidationMessages(array $validationMessages): $this Allows to set (and reset) validation messages. It could be used when you have...
* Allows to set (and reset) validation messages.
* It could be used when you have to change default or override current validate messages.
* @param array $validationMessages Value
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1455
⇄⧉public setValidationMessage(string $field, array $fieldMessages): $this Allows to set field wise validation message. It could be used when you have t...
* Allows to set field wise validation message.
* It could be used when you have to change default or override current validate messages.
* @param string $field Field Name
* @param array $fieldMessages Validation messages
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1471
⇄⧉public setValidationRules(array $validationRules): $this Allows to set (and reset) validation rules. It could be used when you have to...
* Allows to set (and reset) validation rules.
* It could be used when you have to change default or override current validate rules.
* @param array<string, array<string, array<string, string>|string>|string> $validationRules Value
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1486
⇄⧉public setValidationRule(string $field, $fieldRules): $this Allows to set field wise validation rules. It could be used when you have to ...
* Allows to set field wise validation rules.
* It could be used when you have to change default or override current validate rules.
* @param string $field Field Name
* @param array|string $fieldRules Validation rules
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1502
⇄⧉public cleanRules(bool $choice = false): $this Should validation rules be removed before saving? Most handy when doing updates.
$value->cleanRules(bool $choice = false)
* Should validation rules be removed before saving?
* Most handy when doing updates.
* @param bool $choice Value
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1530
⇄⧉public validate($row): bool Validate the row data against the validation rules (or the validation group) ...
* Validate the row data against the validation rules (or the validation group)
* specified in the class property, $validationRules.
* @param array|object $row Row data
* @phpstan-param row_array|object $row
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1544
⇄⧉public getValidationRules(array $options = array()): array Returns the model's defined validation rules so that they can be used elsewhe...
* Returns the model's defined validation rules so that they
* can be used elsewhere, if needed.
* @param array $options Options
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1586
⇄⧉public getValidationMessages(): array Returns the model's validation messages, so they can be used elsewhere, if ne...
* Returns the model's validation messages, so they
* can be used elsewhere, if needed.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1620
⇄⧉public allowCallbacks(bool $val = true): $this Sets $tempAllowCallbacks value so that we can temporarily override the settin...
$value->allowCallbacks(bool $val = true)
* Sets $tempAllowCallbacks value so that we can temporarily override
* the setting. Resets after the next method that uses triggers.
* @param bool $val value
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1657
⇄⧉public asArray(): $this Sets the return type of the results to be as an associative array.
* Sets the return type of the results to be as an associative array.
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1709
⇄⧉public asObject(string $class = 'object'): $this Sets the return type to be of the specified type of object. Defaults to a sim...
$value->asObject(string $class = 'object')
* Sets the return type to be of the specified type of object.
* Defaults to a simple object, but can be any class that has
* class vars with the same name as the collection columns,
* or at least allows them to be created.
* @param 'object'|class-string $class Class Name
* @return $this
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1726
* Sets $allowEmptyInserts.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1928
⧉protected initialize(): void Inicializa os bancos de dados e define o cinema principal.
* Inicializa os bancos de dados e define o cinema principal.
* @return void
Inherited from App\Models\BaseModel
Defined in .../app/Models/BaseModel.php:53
⧉protected doFind(bool $singleton, $id = null): array|object|null The resulting row of data, or null. Fetches the row(s) of database from $this->table with a primary key matching ...
* Fetches the row(s) of database from $this->table with a primary key
* matching $id.
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @param bool $singleton Single or multiple results
* @param array|int|string|null $id One primary key or an array of primary keys
* @return array|object|null The resulting row of data, or null.
* @phpstan-return ($singleton is true ? row_array|null|object : list<row_array|object>)
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:187
⧉protected doFindColumn(string $columnName): array|null The resulting row of data, or null if no data found. Fetches the column of database from $this->table. This method works only with...
* Fetches the column of database from $this->table.
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @param string $columnName Column Name
* @return array|null The resulting row of data, or null if no data found.
* @phpstan-return list<row_array>|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:250
⧉protected doFindAll(?int $limit = null, int $offset0): array Works with the current Query Builder instance to return all results, while op...
* Works with the current Query Builder instance to return
* all results, while optionally limiting them.
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @param int|null $limit Limit
* @param int $offset Offset
* @return array
* @phpstan-return list<row_array|object>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:266
⧉protected doFirst(): array|object|null Returns the first row of the result set. Will take any previous Query Builder...
* Returns the first row of the result set. Will take any previous
* Query Builder calls into account when determining the result set.
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @return array|object|null
* @phpstan-return row_array|object|null
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:308
⧉protected doInsert(array $row): bool Inserts data into the current table. This method works only with dbCalls.
* Inserts data into the current table.
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @param array $row Row data
* @phpstan-param row_array $row
* @return bool
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:350
⧉protected doInsertBatch(?array $set = null, ?bool $escape = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $testing = false): bool|int Number of rows inserted or FALSE on failure Compiles batch insert strings and runs the queries, validating each row prior...
* Compiles batch insert strings and runs the queries, validating each row prior.
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @param array|null $set An associative array of insert values
* @param bool|null $escape Whether to escape values
* @param int $batchSize The size of the batch to run
* @param bool $testing True means only number of records is returned, false will execute the query
* @return bool|int Number of rows inserted or FALSE on failure
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:416
⧉protected doUpdate($id = null, $row = null): bool Updates a single record in $this->table. This method works only with dbCalls.
* Updates a single record in $this->table.
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @param array|int|string|null $id
* @param array|null $row Row data
* @phpstan-param row_array|null $row
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:439
⧉protected doUpdateBatch(?array $set = null, ?string $index = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $returnSQL = false): false|int|list<string> Number of rows affected or FALSE on failure, SQL array when testMode Compiles an update string and runs the query This method works only with dbCa...
* Compiles an update string and runs the query
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @param array|null $set An associative array of update values
* @param string|null $index The where key
* @param int $batchSize The size of the batch to run
* @param bool $returnSQL True means SQL is returned, false will execute the query
* @return false|int|list<string> Number of rows affected or FALSE on failure, SQL array when testMode
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:477
⧉protected doDelete($id = null, bool $purge = false): bool|string SQL string when testMode Deletes a single record from $this->table where $id matches the table's prima...
* Deletes a single record from $this->table where $id matches
* the table's primaryKey
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @param array|int|string|null $id The rows primary key(s)
* @param bool $purge Allows overriding the soft deletes setting.
* @return bool|string SQL string when testMode
* @throws DatabaseException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:494
⧉protected doPurgeDeleted(): bool|string Returns a SQL string if in test mode. Permanently deletes all rows that have been marked as deleted through soft de...
* Permanently deletes all rows that have been marked as deleted
* through soft deletes (deleted = 1)
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @return bool|string Returns a SQL string if in test mode.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:531
⧉protected doOnlyDeleted(): void Works with the find* methods to return only the rows that have been deleted. ...
* Works with the find* methods to return only the rows that
* have been deleted.
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @return void
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:545
⧉protected doReplace(?array $row = null, bool $returnSQL = false): BaseResult|false|Query|string Compiles a replace into string and runs the query This method works only with...
* Compiles a replace into string and runs the query
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @param array|null $row Data
* @phpstan-param row_array|null $row
* @param bool $returnSQL Set to true to return Query String
* @return BaseResult|false|Query|string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:560
⧉protected doErrors(): array<string, string> Grabs the last error(s) that occurred from the Database connection. The retur...
* Grabs the last error(s) that occurred from the Database connection.
* The return array should be in the following format:
* ['source' => 'message']
* This method works only with dbCalls.
* @return array<string, string>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:573
⧉protected shouldUpdate($row): bool This method is called on save to determine if entry have to be updated If thi...
* This method is called on save to determine if entry have to be updated
* If this method return false insert operation will be executed
* @param array|object $row Data
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:760
⧉protected doProtectFieldsForInsert(array $row): array Ensures that only the fields that are allowed to be inserted are in the data ...
* Ensures that only the fields that are allowed to be inserted are in
* the data array.
* @used-by insert() to protect against mass assignment vulnerabilities.
* @used-by insertBatch() to protect against mass assignment vulnerabilities.
* @param array $row Row data
* @phpstan-param row_array $row
* @throws DataException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:817
⧉protected objectToRawArray($object, bool $onlyChanged = true, bool $recursive = false): array Takes a class and returns an array of its public and protected properties as ...
* Takes a class and returns an array of its public and protected
* properties as an array with raw values.
* @param object $object Object
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well
* @return array<string, mixed> Array with raw values.
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
Defined in .../Model.php:879
* Creates DataConverter instance.
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:377
⧉protected useCasts(): bool Are casts used?
* Are casts used?
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:391
⧉protected setCreatedField(array $row, $date): array Set datetime to created field.
* Set datetime to created field.
* @phpstan-param row_array $row
* @param int|string $date timestamp or datetime string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:870
⧉protected setUpdatedField(array $row, $date): array Set datetime to updated field.
* Set datetime to updated field.
* @phpstan-param row_array $row
* @param int|string $date timestamp or datetime string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:885
⧉protected doProtectFields(array $row): array Ensures that only the fields that are allowed to be updated are in the data a...
* Ensures that only the fields that are allowed to be updated are
* in the data array.
* @used-by update() to protect against mass assignment vulnerabilities.
* @used-by updateBatch() to protect against mass assignment vulnerabilities.
* @param array $row Row data
* @phpstan-param row_array $row
* @throws DataException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1332
⧉protected setDate(?int $userData = null): int|string Sets the date or current date if null value is passed.
* Sets the date or current date if null value is passed.
* @param int|null $userData An optional PHP timestamp to be converted.
* @return int|string
* @throws ModelException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1377
⧉protected intToDate(int $value): int|string A utility function to allow child models to use the type of date/time format ...
* A utility function to allow child models to use the type of
* date/time format that they prefer. This is primarily used for
* setting created_at, updated_at and deleted_at values, but can be
* used by inheriting classes.
* The available time formats are:
* - 'int' - Stores the date as an integer timestamp
* - 'datetime' - Stores the data in the SQL datetime format
* - 'date' - Stores the date (only) in the SQL date format.
* @param int $value value
* @return int|string
* @throws ModelException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1401
⧉protected timeToDate(CodeIgniter\I18n\Time $value): int|string Converts Time value to string using $this->dateFormat.
* Converts Time value to string using $this->dateFormat.
* The available time formats are:
* - 'int' - Stores the date as an integer timestamp
* - 'datetime' - Stores the data in the SQL datetime format
* - 'date' - Stores the date (only) in the SQL date format.
* @param Time $value value
* @return int|string
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1423
⧉protected ensureValidation(): void
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1609
⧉protected cleanValidationRules(array $rules, ?array $row = null): array Removes any rules that apply to fields that have not been set currently so th...
* Removes any rules that apply to fields that have not been set
* currently so that rules don't block updating when only updating
* a partial row.
* @param array $rules Array containing field name and rule
* @param array $row Row data (@TODO Remove null in param type)
* @phpstan-param row_array $row
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1634
⧉protected trigger(string $event, array $eventData): array A simple event trigger for Model Events that allows additional data manipulat...
* A simple event trigger for Model Events that allows additional
* data manipulation within the model. Specifically intended for
* usage by child models this can be used to format data,
* save/load related classes, etc.
* It is the responsibility of the callback methods to return
* the data itself.
* Each $eventData array MUST have a 'data' key with the relevant
* data for callback methods (like an array of key/value pairs to insert
* or update, an array of results, etc.)
* If callbacks are not allowed then returns $eventData immediately.
* @param string $event Event
* @param array $eventData Event Data
* @return array
* @throws DataException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1686
⧉protected objectToArray($object, bool $onlyChanged = true, bool $recursive = false): array Takes a class and returns an array of its public and protected properties as ...
* Takes a class and returns an array of its public and protected
* properties as an array suitable for use in creates and updates.
* This method uses objectToRawArray() internally and does conversion
* to string on all Time instances
* @param object $object Object
* @param bool $onlyChanged Only Changed Property
* @param bool $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well
* @return array<string, mixed>
* @throws ReflectionException
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1747
⧉protected timeToString(array $properties): array Convert any Time instances to appropriate $dateFormat.
* Convert any Time instances to appropriate $dateFormat.
* @param array<string, mixed> $properties
* @return array<string, mixed>
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1762
⧉protected transformDataToArray($row, string $type): array Transform data to array.
* Transform data to array.
* @param array|object|null $row Row data
* @phpstan-param row_array|object|null $row
* @param string $type Type of data (insert|update)
* @throws DataException
* @throws InvalidArgumentException
* @throws ReflectionException
* @used-by insert()
* @used-by update()
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1826
⧉protected convertToReturnType(array $row, string $returnType): object|array Converts database data array to return type value.
* Converts database data array to return type value.
* @param array<string, mixed> $row Raw data from database
* @param 'array'|'object'|class-string $returnType
Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1941
⇄⧉public static url_amigavel($string): string texto normalizado. Recebe uma string e remove os acentos.
* Recebe uma string e remove os acentos.
* @param string $string texto a ter caracteres substituidos.
* @return string texto normalizado.
Inherited from App\Models\BaseModel
Defined in .../app/Models/BaseModel.php:179