
Águas Claras/DF

Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem


Rosane Svartman



Clara - Suzana Pires; Leda - Marieta Severo; Alice - Nathália Costa; Dircinha - Fabiana Karla; Dra. Carolina - Maria Gal; Sofia - Giovana Lima; Dra. Mayra - Mariana Costa; Andressa

Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem

Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem
Classificação Indicativa Classificação 100 Min.   Drama

Clara é professora de matemática e faz o maior sucesso como influencer educacional em seu canal na internet. Bem humorada, sarcástica e às vezes debochada, ela gosta de manter tudo sob controle, mas vai precisar aprender a lidar com a vulnerabilidade quando descobre que tem câncer de mama. Com coragem e resiliência, ela enfrenta dias ruins e outros melhores ao lado da família e de amigas leais. Enquanto luta pela cura, Clara tem a chance de celebrar a vida e de ressignificar seus relacionamentos.


Arcoplex Águas Claras

Nacional - 2D

* Compras online possuem o acréscimo de taxas de conveniência no valor de R$3,00 por ingresso.



Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.
NAME COMPONENT DURATION 0 ms 40 ms 80 ms 120 ms 160 ms 200 ms 240 ms
BootstrapTimer17.59 ms
Event: pre_systemEvents9.15 ms
Required Before FiltersTimer178.27 ms
Connecting to Database: "default"Database6.78 ms
QueryDatabase0.44 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.05 ms
QueryDatabase146.18 ms
CALL periodosCategorias;
Event: dbqueryEvents0.05 ms
RoutingTimer4.73 ms
Before FiltersTimer0.07 ms
ControllerTimer48.86 ms
Controller ConstructorTimer3.89 ms
QueryDatabase1.52 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase0.55 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase0.50 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.03 ms
QueryDatabase1.36 ms
SELECT p.* FROM POSTAGEM AS p INNER JOIN BANNER as b ON b.FK_Postagem = INNER JOIN REL_PERIODO_CINEMA rpc ON = rpc.FK_Periodo INNER JOIN CINEMA c ON = rpc.FK_Cinema AND c.FK_Claquete = 83 WHERE p.inicio <= CURDATE() AND p.fim >= CURDATE() AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.type = 'promo';
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase0.84 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.01 ms
QueryDatabase1.17 ms
CALL BannersByCineTipoPeriodo(83, 'prom,prod');
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
Connecting to Database: "claquete"Database1.26 ms
QueryDatabase0.46 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.03 ms
QueryDatabase0.43 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase0.47 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase0.45 ms
SELECT * FROM `METATAGS` WHERE `page` = 'filme' AND `FK_Cinema` = '83' AND `METATAGS`.`deleted_at` IS NULL
Event: dbqueryEvents0.01 ms
QueryDatabase2.13 ms
SELECT DISTINCT IF(f.NOMEP <> '', f.NOMEP, f.NOMEO) AS titulo FROM claquete_principal.FILMES AS f INNER JOIN PROGRAMACAO AS p ON p.FK_Filme = f.CODIGO AND DATE(p.data_hora) >= CURDATE() AND p.FK_Cinema = 83;
Event: dbqueryEvents0.05 ms
QueryDatabase0.35 ms
SELECT * FROM `CINEMA` WHERE `FK_Claquete` = '83' AND `CINEMA`.`deleted_at` IS NULL
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase1.14 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.03 ms
QueryDatabase0.34 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase2.32 ms
CALL getProgFilme (83, 16025);
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase0.50 ms
SELECT C.*, AS eid, RS.logo, RS.nomePublico, FROM CINEMA AS C INNER JOIN REDES_SOCIAIS AS RS ON = RS.FK_Cinema AND RS.deleted_at IS NULL AND C.FK_Claquete = 83;
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase2.97 ms
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
QueryDatabase0.72 ms
CALL salasByCineFK(83)
Event: dbqueryEvents0.02 ms
View: Publico/Filme/index.phpViews12.99 ms
View: Publico/Templates/index.phpViews4.12 ms
After FiltersTimer0.01 ms
Required After FiltersTimer0.36 ms

Database (20 total Queries, 20 of them unique across 2 Connections)

Time Query String
0.44 ms SELECT * FROM `METATAGS` WHERE `METATAGS`.`deleted_at` IS NULL APPPATH/Filters/MetaTags.php:18
  1    SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php:1636

  2    SYSTEMPATH/Model.php:286

  3    SYSTEMPATH/BaseModel.php:676

  4    APPPATH/Filters/MetaTags.php:18

  5    SYSTEMPATH/Filters/Filters.php:203

  6    SYSTEMPATH/Filters/Filters.php:287

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:389

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:348

  9    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 11    FCPATH/index.php:56

146.18 ms CALL periodosCategorias; APPPATH/Models/CategorizarMD.php:28
  1    APPPATH/Models/CategorizarMD.php:28

  2    APPPATH/Filters/Exibicao.php:20

  3    SYSTEMPATH/Filters/Filters.php:203

  4    SYSTEMPATH/Filters/Filters.php:287

  5    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:389

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:348

  7    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

  8    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

  9    FCPATH/index.php:56

1.52 ms SELECT `url` FROM `CINEMA` WHERE `CINEMA`.`deleted_at` IS NULL APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:126
  1    SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php:1636

  2    SYSTEMPATH/Model.php:286

  3    SYSTEMPATH/BaseModel.php:676

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:126

  5    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  9    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 11    FCPATH/index.php:56

0.55 ms SELECT * FROM `CINEMA` WHERE `CINEMA`.`deleted_at` IS NULL APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:176
  1    SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php:1636

  2    SYSTEMPATH/Model.php:286

  3    SYSTEMPATH/BaseModel.php:676

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:176

  5    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  9    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 11    FCPATH/index.php:56

0.5 ms SELECT * FROM `CINEMA` WHERE `CINEMA`.`deleted_at` IS NULL ORDER BY `nome` ASC APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:71
  1    SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php:1636

  2    SYSTEMPATH/Model.php:286

  3    SYSTEMPATH/BaseModel.php:676

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:71

  5    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:247

  6    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:193

  7    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  9    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

 10    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

 11    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 12    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 13    FCPATH/index.php:56

1.36 ms SELECT p.* FROM POSTAGEM AS p INNER JOIN BANNER as b ON b.FK_Postagem = INNER JOIN REL_PERIODO_CINEMA rpc ON = rpc.FK_Periodo INNER JOIN CINEMA c ON = rpc.FK_Cinema AND c.FK_Claquete = 83 WHERE p.inicio <= CURDATE() AND p.fim >= CURDATE() AND p.deleted_at IS NULL AND p.type = 'promo'; APPPATH/Models/PostagemMD.php:64
  1    APPPATH/Models/PostagemMD.php:64

  2    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:82

  3    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:247

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:193

  5    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  9    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 11    FCPATH/index.php:56

0.84 ms SELECT DISTINCT M.conteudo, M.tipo, M.ordem, M.prioridade, MP.inicio, MP.fim, MP.FK_MSG, RCM.FK_CINEMA, C.nome FROM MSG as M INNER JOIN MSG_PERIODO as MP ON = MP.FK_MSG LEFT JOIN R_CINEMA_MSG as RCM ON = RCM.FK_MSG INNER JOIN CINEMA as C ON RCM.FK_CINEMA = WHERE M.deleted_at IS NULL AND tipo = 'p' AND RCM.FK_CINEMA = 2 AND CURDATE() BETWEEN MP.inicio AND MP.fim ORDER by MP.inicio DESC, C.nome LIMIT 1; APPPATH/Models/MensagensMD.php:117
  1    APPPATH/Models/MensagensMD.php:117

  2    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:88

  3    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:247

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:193

  5    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  9    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 11    FCPATH/index.php:56

1.17 ms CALL BannersByCineTipoPeriodo(83, 'prom,prod'); APPPATH/Models/BannerMD.php:132
  1    APPPATH/Models/BannerMD.php:132

  2    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:91

  3    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:247

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:193

  5    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  9    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 11    FCPATH/index.php:56

  1    APPPATH/Models/IntervencaoClaqueteMD.php:16

  2    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:92

  3    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:247

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:193

  5    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  9    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 11    FCPATH/index.php:56

  1    APPPATH/Models/CornerClaqueteMD.php:17

  2    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:93

  3    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:247

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:193

  5    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  9    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 11    FCPATH/index.php:56

0.47 ms SELECT * FROM `MENSAGENS` WHERE `FK_Cinema` = '2' AND `MENSAGENS`.`deleted_at` IS NULL LIMIT 1 APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:104
  1    SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php:1636

  2    SYSTEMPATH/Model.php:330

  3    SYSTEMPATH/BaseModel.php:714

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:104

  5    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:247

  6    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:193

  7    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  9    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

 10    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

 11    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 12    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 13    FCPATH/index.php:56

0.45 ms SELECT * FROM `METATAGS` WHERE `page` = 'filme' AND `FK_Cinema` = '83' AND `METATAGS`.`deleted_at` IS NULL APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:208
  1    SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php:1636

  2    SYSTEMPATH/Model.php:286

  3    SYSTEMPATH/BaseModel.php:676

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:208

  5    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:196

  6    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  9    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 11    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 12    FCPATH/index.php:56

2.13 ms SELECT DISTINCT IF(f.NOMEP <> '', f.NOMEP, f.NOMEO) AS titulo FROM claquete_principal.FILMES AS f INNER JOIN PROGRAMACAO AS p ON p.FK_Filme = f.CODIGO AND DATE(p.data_hora) >= CURDATE() AND p.FK_Cinema = 83; APPPATH/Models/MetaTagsMD.php:37
  1    APPPATH/Models/MetaTagsMD.php:37

  2    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:210

  3    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:196

  4    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  5    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  8    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

  9    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 10    FCPATH/index.php:56

0.34 ms SELECT * FROM `CINEMA` WHERE `FK_Claquete` = '83' AND `CINEMA`.`deleted_at` IS NULL APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:211
  1    SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php:1636

  2    SYSTEMPATH/Model.php:213

  3    SYSTEMPATH/BaseModel.php:610

  4    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:211

  5    APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php:196

  6    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:24

  7    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  8    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  9    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

 10    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

 11    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

 12    FCPATH/index.php:56

  1    APPPATH/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:181

  2    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:27

  3    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  4    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  5    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  6    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

  7    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

  8    FCPATH/index.php:56

0.34 ms SELECT * FROM FOTOS2 WHERE ID_FILME = 16025 APPPATH/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:192
  1    APPPATH/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:192

  2    APPPATH/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:184

  3    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:27

  4    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  5    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  7    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

  8    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

  9    FCPATH/index.php:56

2.32 ms CALL getProgFilme (83, 16025); APPPATH/Models/ProgramacaoMD.php:510
  1    APPPATH/Models/ProgramacaoMD.php:510

  2    APPPATH/Models/ProgramacaoMD.php:570

  3    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:37

  4    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  5    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  6    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  7    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

  8    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

  9    FCPATH/index.php:56

0.5 ms SELECT C.*, AS eid, RS.logo, RS.nomePublico, FROM CINEMA AS C INNER JOIN REDES_SOCIAIS AS RS ON = RS.FK_Cinema AND RS.deleted_at IS NULL AND C.FK_Claquete = 83; APPPATH/Models/RedesSociaisMD.php:39
  1    APPPATH/Models/RedesSociaisMD.php:39

  2    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:50

  3    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  4    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  5    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  6    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

  7    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

  8    FCPATH/index.php:56

2.97 ms SELECT * FROM INFO_CINE WHERE deleted_at IS NULL ORDER BY nome, cidade ASC APPPATH/Models/CinemasMD.php:65
  1    APPPATH/Models/CinemasMD.php:65

  2    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:51

  3    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  4    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  5    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  6    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

  7    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

  8    FCPATH/index.php:56

0.72 ms CALL salasByCineFK(83) APPPATH/Models/SalasMD.php:62
  1    APPPATH/Models/SalasMD.php:62

  2    ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php:55

  3    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:933

  4    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:509

  5    SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php:355

  6    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:325

  7    SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php:67

  8    FCPATH/index.php:56


Severity Message
info Session: Class initialized using 'CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers\FileHandler' driver.

Files ( 180 )

Common.php APPPATH/Common.php
App.php APPPATH/Config/App.php
Autoload.php APPPATH/Config/Autoload.php
development.php APPPATH/Config/Boot/development.php
Cache.php APPPATH/Config/Cache.php
Constants.php APPPATH/Config/Constants.php
ContentSecurityPolicy.php APPPATH/Config/ContentSecurityPolicy.php
Cookie.php APPPATH/Config/Cookie.php
Database.php APPPATH/Config/Database.php
Events.php APPPATH/Config/Events.php
Exceptions.php APPPATH/Config/Exceptions.php
Feature.php APPPATH/Config/Feature.php
Filters.php APPPATH/Config/Filters.php
Kint.php APPPATH/Config/Kint.php
Logger.php APPPATH/Config/Logger.php
Modules.php APPPATH/Config/Modules.php
Optimize.php APPPATH/Config/Optimize.php
Paths.php APPPATH/Config/Paths.php
Routes.php APPPATH/Config/Routes.php
Routing.php APPPATH/Config/Routing.php
Services.php APPPATH/Config/Services.php
Session.php APPPATH/Config/Session.php
Toolbar.php APPPATH/Config/Toolbar.php
UserAgents.php APPPATH/Config/UserAgents.php
View.php APPPATH/Config/View.php
BaseController.php APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php
Exibicao.php APPPATH/Filters/Exibicao.php
MetaTags.php APPPATH/Filters/MetaTags.php
BannerMD.php APPPATH/Models/BannerMD.php
BaseModel.php APPPATH/Models/BaseModel.php
CategorizarMD.php APPPATH/Models/CategorizarMD.php
CinemasMD.php APPPATH/Models/CinemasMD.php
CornerClaqueteMD.php APPPATH/Models/CornerClaqueteMD.php
FilmeClaqueteMD.php APPPATH/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php
IntervencaoClaqueteMD.php APPPATH/Models/IntervencaoClaqueteMD.php
MensagemMD.php APPPATH/Models/MensagemMD.php
MensagensMD.php APPPATH/Models/MensagensMD.php
MetaTagsMD.php APPPATH/Models/MetaTagsMD.php
PostagemMD.php APPPATH/Models/PostagemMD.php
ProgramacaoMD.php APPPATH/Models/ProgramacaoMD.php
RedesSociaisMD.php APPPATH/Models/RedesSociaisMD.php
SalasMD.php APPPATH/Models/SalasMD.php
index.php FCPATH/index.php
Movie.php ROOTPATH/Publico/Controllers/Publico/Movie.php
index.php ROOTPATH/Publico/Views/Publico/Filme/index.php
index.php ROOTPATH/Publico/Views/Publico/Templates/index.php
autoload.php VENDORPATH/autoload.php
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InstalledVersions.php VENDORPATH/composer/InstalledVersions.php
autoload_real.php VENDORPATH/composer/autoload_real.php
autoload_static.php VENDORPATH/composer/autoload_static.php
installed.php VENDORPATH/composer/installed.php
platform_check.php VENDORPATH/composer/platform_check.php
Events.php VENDORPATH/denis303/codeigniter4-recaptcha/Config/Events.php
Services.php VENDORPATH/denis303/codeigniter4-recaptcha/Config/Services.php
HTMLPurifier.composer.php VENDORPATH/ezyang/htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier.composer.php
Escaper.php VENDORPATH/laminas/laminas-escaper/src/Escaper.php
deep_copy.php VENDORPATH/myclabs/deep-copy/src/DeepCopy/deep_copy.php
php-8.1-strftime.php VENDORPATH/php81_bc/strftime/src/php-8.1-strftime.php
Functions.php VENDORPATH/phpunit/phpunit/src/Framework/Assert/Functions.php
LogLevel.php VENDORPATH/psr/log/src/LogLevel.php
LoggerAwareTrait.php VENDORPATH/psr/log/src/LoggerAwareTrait.php
LoggerInterface.php VENDORPATH/psr/log/src/LoggerInterface.php
function.php VENDORPATH/symfony/deprecation-contracts/function.php
ResponseTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/API/ResponseTrait.php
Autoloader.php SYSTEMPATH/Autoloader/Autoloader.php
FileLocator.php SYSTEMPATH/Autoloader/FileLocator.php
FileLocatorInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Autoloader/FileLocatorInterface.php
BaseModel.php SYSTEMPATH/BaseModel.php
Boot.php SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php
CacheFactory.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/CacheFactory.php
CacheInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/CacheInterface.php
BaseHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/Handlers/BaseHandler.php
FileHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/Handlers/FileHandler.php
ResponseCache.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/ResponseCache.php
CodeIgniter.php SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php
Common.php SYSTEMPATH/Common.php
AutoloadConfig.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/AutoloadConfig.php
BaseConfig.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/BaseConfig.php
BaseService.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/BaseService.php
DotEnv.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/DotEnv.php
Factories.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/Factories.php
Factory.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/Factory.php
Filters.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/Filters.php
Routing.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/Routing.php
Services.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/Services.php
View.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/View.php
Controller.php SYSTEMPATH/Controller.php
CloneableCookieInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/CloneableCookieInterface.php
Cookie.php SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/Cookie.php
CookieInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/CookieInterface.php
CookieStore.php SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/CookieStore.php
BaseBuilder.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseBuilder.php
BaseConnection.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseConnection.php
BaseResult.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/BaseResult.php
Config.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/Config.php
ConnectionInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/ConnectionInterface.php
Database.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/Database.php
Builder.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/MySQLi/Builder.php
Connection.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/MySQLi/Connection.php
Result.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/MySQLi/Result.php
Query.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/Query.php
QueryInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/QueryInterface.php
ResultInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/ResultInterface.php
Exceptions.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Exceptions.php
Timer.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Timer.php
Toolbar.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar.php
BaseCollector.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/BaseCollector.php
Database.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Database.php
Events.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Events.php
Files.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Files.php
Logs.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Logs.php
Routes.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Routes.php
Timers.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Timers.php
Views.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Views.php
Events.php SYSTEMPATH/Events/Events.php
DebugToolbar.php SYSTEMPATH/Filters/DebugToolbar.php
FilterInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Filters/FilterInterface.php
Filters.php SYSTEMPATH/Filters/Filters.php
ForceHTTPS.php SYSTEMPATH/Filters/ForceHTTPS.php
PageCache.php SYSTEMPATH/Filters/PageCache.php
PerformanceMetrics.php SYSTEMPATH/Filters/PerformanceMetrics.php
ContentSecurityPolicy.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ContentSecurityPolicy.php
Header.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Header.php
IncomingRequest.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/IncomingRequest.php
Message.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Message.php
MessageInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/MessageInterface.php
MessageTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/MessageTrait.php
Method.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Method.php
OutgoingRequest.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/OutgoingRequest.php
OutgoingRequestInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/OutgoingRequestInterface.php
Request.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Request.php
RequestInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/RequestInterface.php
RequestTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/RequestTrait.php
Response.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Response.php
ResponseInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ResponseInterface.php
ResponseTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ResponseTrait.php
SiteURIFactory.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/SiteURIFactory.php
UserAgent.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/UserAgent.php
ArrayHelper.php SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/Array/ArrayHelper.php
array_helper.php SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/array_helper.php
form_helper.php SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/form_helper.php
html_helper.php SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/html_helper.php
kint_helper.php SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/kint_helper.php
text_helper.php SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/text_helper.php
url_helper.php SYSTEMPATH/Helpers/url_helper.php
Time.php SYSTEMPATH/I18n/Time.php
TimeTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/I18n/TimeTrait.php
BaseHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Log/Handlers/BaseHandler.php
FileHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Log/Handlers/FileHandler.php
HandlerInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Log/Handlers/HandlerInterface.php
Logger.php SYSTEMPATH/Log/Logger.php
Model.php SYSTEMPATH/Model.php
Modules.php SYSTEMPATH/Modules/Modules.php
RouteCollection.php SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouteCollection.php
RouteCollectionInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouteCollectionInterface.php
Router.php SYSTEMPATH/Router/Router.php
RouterInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouterInterface.php
BaseHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Session/Handlers/BaseHandler.php
FileHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Session/Handlers/FileHandler.php
Session.php SYSTEMPATH/Session/Session.php
SessionInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Session/SessionInterface.php
Superglobals.php SYSTEMPATH/Superglobals.php
FacadeInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/FacadeInterface.php
Kint.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Kint.php
AbstractRenderer.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/AbstractRenderer.php
CliRenderer.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/CliRenderer.php
RendererInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/RendererInterface.php
RichRenderer.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/RichRenderer.php
TextRenderer.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/TextRenderer.php
Utils.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Utils.php
init.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/init.php
init_helpers.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/init_helpers.php
ConditionalTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/Traits/ConditionalTrait.php
FormatRules.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/FormatRules.php
RendererInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/View/RendererInterface.php
View.php SYSTEMPATH/View/View.php
ViewDecoratorTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/View/ViewDecoratorTrait.php


Matched Route

Controller: \App\Controllers\Publico\Movie
Method: index
Params: 2 / 3
$fkFilme = 16025
$friendly = cancer-com-ascendente-em-virgem
$url_cinema = <empty> | default: 0

Defined Routes

Method Route Handler
GET / \App\Controllers\Publico\HomePage::index
GET restrito \App\Controllers\Restrito\LogCheck::logPage
GET log-out \App\Controllers\Restrito\LogCheck::logout
GET emergencia \App\Controllers\Publico\Emergencia::metodoEmergencia
GET cinema \App\Controllers\Restrito\Cinemas::index
GET cinema/estrutura \App\Controllers\Restrito\Estrutura::index
GET cinema/estrutura/add \App\Controllers\Restrito\Estrutura::form
GET cinema/gerenciador \App\Controllers\Restrito\Cinemas::listarCinemas
GET cinema/tags \App\Controllers\Restrito\Tags::index
GET prog \App\Controllers\Restrito\Programacao::index
GET prog/geral \App\Controllers\Restrito\Programacao::geral
GET prog/saveAll \App\Controllers\Restrito\Programacao::saveAll
GET prog/verify \App\Controllers\Restrito\Programacao::verificarProgramacao
GET prog/listagem \App\Controllers\Restrito\Programacao::listagemFilmes
GET postagem/outros \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::post
GET postagem/post \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::post
GET postagem/imagemfile \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::imagemfile
GET postagem/imagemfilePrice \App\Controllers\Restrito\Mensagens::imagemfilePrice
GET banner/intervencao/cadastrar \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::cadastrar
GET homepage/status \App\Controllers\Restrito\Homepage::status
GET homepage/embreve \App\Controllers\Restrito\Homepage::emBreve
GET faq \App\Controllers\Restrito\Faq::index
GET faq/add \App\Controllers\Restrito\Faq::form
GET msg/price \App\Controllers\Restrito\Mensagens::listar
GET msg/price/novo \App\Controllers\Restrito\Mensagens::index
GET msg/MetaTags \App\Controllers\Restrito\MetaTags::index
GET msg/MetaTags/add \App\Controllers\Restrito\MetaTags::add
GET contato \App\Controllers\Restrito\Contato::index
GET promocoes \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::listarPromocoes
GET projetos \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::listarProjetos
GET produtos \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::produtos
GET institucional \App\Controllers\Publico\Institucional::index
GET noticias \App\Controllers\Publico\Banner::listarBanners/noticias
GET \App\Controllers\Publico\HomePage::index
GET teste \App\Controllers\Publico\HomePage::teste
GET filmes \App\Controllers\Publico\Movie::exibicao
GET programacao \App\Controllers\Publico\Programacao::index/$1/$2
GET fale-conosco \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::index
GET eventos \App\Controllers\Publico\Eventos::index/$1
GET perguntas-frequentes \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::faq/$1
GET em-cartaz \App\Controllers\Publico\Movie::exibicao/1/em-cartaz
GET em-breve \App\Controllers\Publico\Movie::exibicao/2/em-breve
GET cinemas \App\Controllers\Publico\Cinemas::index
GET cinemas/precos \App\Controllers\Publico\Cinemas::precos
GET cinemas/sala-gold \App\Controllers\Publico\Cinemas::salaGold
GET cineshow-familia \App\Controllers\Publico\Cinemas::cineshowFamilia
GET bomboniere \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::indexBomboniere/$1
GET clube-cinemais \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::indexClubeCineMais/$1
GET politica-de-cookies \App\Controllers\Publico\Cookies::index
GET sobre-nos \App\Controllers\Publico\SobreNos::index/$1
GET central-de-atendimento \App\Controllers\Publico\Faq::index
GET duvidas-frequentes \App\Controllers\Publico\Faq::index
GET tabela-de-precos \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::indexPrecos/$1
GET trabalhe-conosco \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::trabalheConosco
GET contato_ \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::index
GET pgcontato \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::index/$1/$2
GET produto/anuncie-no-cinema \App\Controllers\Publico\AnuncieCinema::index/$1
GET politica-de-privacidade \App\Controllers\Publico\PoliticaPrivacidade::index/$1
GET meia-entrada \App\Controllers\Publico\MeiaEntrada::index/$1
GET classificacao-indicativa \App\Controllers\Publico\ClassificacaoIndicativa::index/$1
GET ([^/]+)/promocoes \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::listarPromocoes
GET ([^/]+)/projetos \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::listarProjetos
GET ([^/]+)/produtos \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::produtos
GET ([^/]+)/institucional \App\Controllers\Publico\Institucional::index/$1
GET ([^/]+)/noticias \App\Controllers\Publico\Banner::listarBanners/noticias/$1
GET ([^/]+) \App\Controllers\Publico\HomePage::index
GET ([^/]+)/filmes \App\Controllers\Publico\Movie::exibicao/$1
GET ([^/]+)/programacao \App\Controllers\Publico\Programacao::index/$1/$2
GET ([^/]+)/fale-conosco \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::index
GET ([^/]+)/eventos \App\Controllers\Publico\Eventos::index/$1
GET ([^/]+)/perguntas-frequentes \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::faq/$1
GET ([^/]+)/em-cartaz \App\Controllers\Publico\Movie::exibicao/em-cartaz/$1
GET ([^/]+)/em-breve \App\Controllers\Publico\Movie::exibicao/em-breve/$1
GET ([^/]+)/cinemas \App\Controllers\Publico\Cinemas::index/$1
GET ([^/]+)/cinemas/precos \App\Controllers\Publico\Cinemas::precos/$1
GET ([^/]+)/cinemas/sala-gold \App\Controllers\Publico\Cinemas::salaGold/$1
GET ([^/]+)/cineshow-familia \App\Controllers\Publico\Cinemas::cineshowFamilia/$1
GET ([^/]+)/faq \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::faq/$1
GET ([^/]+)/bomboniere \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::indexBomboniere/$1
GET ([^/]+)/clube-cinemais \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::indexClubeCineMais/$1
GET ([^/]+)/politica-de-cookies \App\Controllers\Publico\Cookies::index
GET ([^/]+)/sobre-nos \App\Controllers\Publico\SobreNos::index/$1
GET ([^/]+)/central-de-atendimento \App\Controllers\Publico\Faq::index
GET ([^/]+)/duvidas-frequentes \App\Controllers\Publico\Faq::index
GET ([^/]+)/tabela-de-precos \App\Controllers\Publico\Postagem::indexPrecos/$1
GET ([^/]+)/trabalhe-conosco \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::trabalheConosco
GET ([^/]+)/contato \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::index
GET ([^/]+)/contato_ \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::index
GET ([^/]+)/produto/anuncie-no-cinema \App\Controllers\Publico\AnuncieCinema::index/$1
GET ([^/]+)/politica-de-privacidade \App\Controllers\Publico\PoliticaPrivacidade::index/$1
GET ([^/]+)/meia-entrada \App\Controllers\Publico\MeiaEntrada::index/$1
GET ([^/]+)/classificacao-indicativa \App\Controllers\Publico\ClassificacaoIndicativa::index/$1
GET ajax/modal \App\Controllers\Publico\Requests::modalCinemas
HEAD banner/intervencao/editar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::editar/$1
HEAD banner/intervencao/atualizar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::atualizar/$1
POST log-in \App\Controllers\Restrito\LogCheck::login
POST cinema/estrutura/insert \App\Controllers\Restrito\Estrutura::insert
POST cinema/gerenciador/redes/salvar/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Cinemas::redesUpdate/$1/$2
POST cinema/gerenciador/estrutura/salvar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Cinemas::estruturaSalvar/$1
POST cinema/gerenciador/editar/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\Cinemas::editarSave
POST cinema/salas/rel/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Cinemas::relSalas/$1
POST cinema/salas/add/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Cinemas::salasAdd/$1/$2
POST cinema/tags/add \App\Controllers\Restrito\Tags::add
POST cinema/tags/rel/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Tags::rel/$1/$2
POST prog/listfilme \App\Controllers\Restrito\Requests::categoriaExibicaoFilme
POST prog/manualSave \App\Controllers\Restrito\Programacao::manualSave
POST postagem/([^/]+)/alterar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::form/$1/$2
POST postagem/([^/]+)/save/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::save/$1/$2
POST postagem/post/save/([^/]+)/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::saveSimples/$1/$2
POST postagem/post/update/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::update/$1/$2
POST postagem/imagemfile \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::imagemfile
POST postagem/imagemfilePrice \App\Controllers\Restrito\Mensagens::imagemfilePrice
POST postagem/cinemas/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::updateMainImageExibition
POST postagem/cinemasPostOutros/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\Postagem::updateCinemasPostOutros
POST banner/save/([^/]+)/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Banner::save/$1/$2
POST banner/cinemas/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\Banner::updateMainImageExibition
POST banner/intervencao/cadastrar \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::cadastrar
POST homepage/carrocel/add/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Homepage::add/$1
POST homepage/carrocel/save/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Homepage::save/$1
POST homepage/status/add/(.*) \App\Controllers\Restrito\Homepage::addStatus/$1
POST homepage/status/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\Homepage::saveStatus
POST homepage/cinemas/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\Homepage::updateCinemasFilmesEmBreve
POST faq/insert \App\Controllers\Restrito\Faq::insert
POST msg/price/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\Mensagens::save
POST msg/price/cinema/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\Mensagens::cineSave
POST msg/MetaTags/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\MetaTags::save
POST contato/save \App\Controllers\Restrito\Contato::save
POST sendMail \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::send
POST sendMailTrabalhe \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::sendTrabalhe
POST ajax/sendMail \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::ajaxSend
POST ajax/send \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::send
POST ajax/saveMarketing \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::saveMarketing
POST ajax/sendMailTrabalhe \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::ajaxSendTrabalheConosco
POST ajax/sendTrabalheConosco \App\Controllers\Publico\Contato::sendTrabalheConosco
POST ajax/prog \App\Controllers\Publico\Requests::filtroProg
POST ajax/progfilme \App\Controllers\Publico\Requests::filtroProgFilme
POST ajax/cinemas \App\Controllers\Publico\Requests::filtroCinemas
POST ajax/filmes \App\Controllers\Publico\Requests::filtroFilmes
POST ajax/fale-conosco/enviar \App\Controllers\Publico\Requests::FaleConoscoEnviar
POST ajax/Trabalhe-conosco/enviar \App\Controllers\Publico\Requests::TrabalheConoscoEnviar
POST banner/intervencao/editar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::editar/$1
POST banner/intervencao/atualizar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::atualizar/$1
PATCH banner/intervencao/editar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::editar/$1
PATCH banner/intervencao/atualizar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::atualizar/$1
PUT banner/intervencao/editar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::editar/$1
PUT banner/intervencao/atualizar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::atualizar/$1
DELETE banner/intervencao/editar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::editar/$1
DELETE banner/intervencao/atualizar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::atualizar/$1
OPTIONS banner/intervencao/editar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::editar/$1
OPTIONS banner/intervencao/atualizar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::atualizar/$1
TRACE banner/intervencao/editar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::editar/$1
TRACE banner/intervencao/atualizar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::atualizar/$1
CONNECT banner/intervencao/editar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::editar/$1
CONNECT banner/intervencao/atualizar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::atualizar/$1
CLI autoProg \App\Controllers\Publico\CLI::updateProg
CLI banner/intervencao/editar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::editar/$1
CLI banner/intervencao/atualizar/([0-9]+) \App\Controllers\Restrito\IntervencaoController::atualizar/$1


Time Event Name Times Called
9.15 ms pre_system 1
0.50 ms dbquery 20


Action Datetime Status Method URL Content-Type Is AJAX?
2025-03-31 21:24:02.418129 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:24:01.195090 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:24:00.806593 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:59.452903 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:58.359217 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:53.733607 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:52.646843 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:48.417341 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:48.153925 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:47.921946 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:46.603193 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:35.543541 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:33.457712 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:32.139622 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:28.799892 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:26.353435 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:24.638073 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:23.918568 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:16.645369 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-31 21:23:15.748608 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No

View Data

title Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem(Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem, 2023)
pagename Filme
$value stdClass#153 (65)
  • Properties (65)
  • public ACESSIBILIDADE -> string (1) "0"
    public AKA -> string (0) ""
    public ANO -> string (4) "2023"
    public AUTO_CENSURA -> string (1) "0"
    public BANNER_1920 -> string (9) "16025.jpg"
    public BANNER_1920_MOBILE -> string (9) "16025.jpg"
    public categoria -> string (1) "e"
    public CENSURA -> string (2) "14"
    public CODIGO -> string (5) "16025"
    public COD_ANCINE -> string (0) ""
    public COD_DIST -> string (2) "60"
    public COD_ESTUDIO -> string (1) "0"
    public DIRETOR -> string (15) "Rosane Svartman"
    public DISPONIVEL_3D -> string (1) "0"
    public DISPONIVEL_IMAX -> string (1) "0"
    public DOLBY_ATMOS -> string (1) "0"
    public DVD -> string (1) "0"
    public ELENCO -> UTF-8 string (183) "Clara - Suzana Pires; Leda - Marieta Severo; Alice - Nathália Costa; Dircinh...
    Clara - Suzana Pires; Leda - Marieta Severo; Alice - Nathália
    Costa; Dircinha - Fabiana Karla; Dra. Carolina - Maria Gal;
    Sofia - Giovana Lima; Dra. Mayra - Mariana Costa; Andressa
    public ESTREIA -> string (10) "2025-03-27"
    public ESTREIA_EXTENSO -> string (0) ""
    public ES_POSTER_G -> string (0) ""
    public ES_POSTER_M -> string (0) ""
    public ES_POSTER_P -> string (0) ""
    public ES_SINOPSE -> string (15) " "
    public ES_TITULO -> string (0) ""
    public ES_TRAILER -> string (0) ""
    public fotos -> array (0)
    public GENERO -> string (5) "Drama"
    public IMAGEM -> string (0) ""
    public LOGIN_FACEBOOK -> string (0) ""
    public LOGIN_INSTAGRAM -> string (0) ""
    public LOGIN_TWITTER -> string (0) ""
    public NACIONAL -> string (1) "0"
    public NOMEO -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public NOMEP -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public NOME_CONHECIDO -> string (14) "Downtown/Paris"
    public nome_url -> null
    public OSCAR_ANO -> string (1) "0"
    public OSCAR_CONQUISTAS -> string (0) ""
    public oscar_indicacao_qtd -> string (1) "0"
    public OSCAR_INDICACOES -> string (0) ""
    public PAIS -> string (6) "Brasil"
    public POSTER_GRANDE -> string (16) "16025_grande.jpg"
    public POSTER_MEDIO -> string (15) "16025_medio.jpg"
    public POSTER_PEQUENO -> string (17) "16025_pequeno.jpg"
    public POSTER_QUADRADO -> string (0) ""
    public PRODUCAO -> string (0) ""
    public PRODUCAO_EXECUTIVA -> string (0) ""
    public PT_CENSURA -> string (1) "0"
    public PT_ESTREIA -> string (10) "0000-00-00"
    public PT_POSTER_G -> string (0) ""
    public PT_POSTER_M -> string (0) ""
    public PT_POSTER_P -> string (0) ""
    public PT_SINOPSE -> string (0) ""
    public PT_TITULO -> string (0) ""
    public PT_TRAILER -> string (0) ""
    public ROTEIRO -> string (0) ""
    public SINOPSE -> UTF-8 string (508) "Clara é professora de matemática e faz o maior sucesso como influencer educa...
    Clara é professora de matemática e faz o maior sucesso como influencer educacional em seu canal na internet. Bem humorada, sarcástica e às vezes debochada, ela gosta de manter tudo sob controle, mas vai precisar aprender a lidar com a vulnerabilidade quando descobre que tem câncer de mama. Com coragem e resiliência, ela enfrenta dias ruins e outros melhores ao lado da família e de amigas leais. Enquanto luta pela cura, Clara tem a chance de celebrar a vida e de ressignificar seus relacionamentos.
    public STATUS_FILME -> string (1) "0"
    public TEMPO -> string (3) "100"
    public TIPO_FILME -> string (1) "0"
    public TRAILER -> string (0) ""
    public TRAILER_YOUTUBE -> string (11) "tlmmw12iZyY"
    public WEBSITE -> string (0) ""
    public WEBSITE_NACIONAL -> string (0) ""
class_indicativa class_14anos_menor.png
$value array (3)
31/03/2025 => array (1)
2 => array (1)
N => array (1)
2D => array (1)
0 => stdClass#194 (22)
  • Properties (22)
  • public created_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public data_hora -> string (19) "2025-03-31 19:10:00"
    public deleted_at -> null
    public disponibilidade -> string (1) "1"
    public dolby_atmos -> string (1) "0"
    public FK_Cinema -> string (2) "83"
    public FK_Filme -> string (5) "16025"
    public GENERO -> string (5) "Drama"
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    public legenda -> string (1) "N"
    public link -> string (109) "
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    public NOMEP -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
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    public POSTER_MEDIO -> string (15) "16025_medio.jpg"
    public POSTER_PEQUENO -> string (17) "16025_pequeno.jpg"
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    public updated_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public video -> string (2) "2D"
01/04/2025 => array (2)
2 => array (1)
N => array (1)
2D => array (2)
0 => stdClass#193 (22)
  • Properties (22)
  • public created_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public data_hora -> string (19) "2025-04-01 17:00:00"
    public deleted_at -> null
    public disponibilidade -> string (1) "1"
    public dolby_atmos -> string (1) "0"
    public FK_Cinema -> string (2) "83"
    public FK_Filme -> string (5) "16025"
    public GENERO -> string (5) "Drama"
    public id -> string (8) "18172086"
    public legenda -> string (1) "N"
    public link -> string (109) "
    public NOMEO -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public NOMEP -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
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    public POSTER_MEDIO -> string (15) "16025_medio.jpg"
    public POSTER_PEQUENO -> string (17) "16025_pequeno.jpg"
    public sala -> string (1) "2"
    public sessaoAzul -> string (1) "0"
    public status -> string (1) "c"
    public tipo_sessao -> string (2) "2D"
    public updated_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public video -> string (2) "2D"
1 => stdClass#202 (22)
  • Properties (22)
  • public created_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public data_hora -> string (19) "2025-04-01 19:10:00"
    public deleted_at -> null
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    public dolby_atmos -> string (1) "0"
    public FK_Cinema -> string (2) "83"
    public FK_Filme -> string (5) "16025"
    public GENERO -> string (5) "Drama"
    public id -> string (8) "18172088"
    public legenda -> string (1) "N"
    public link -> string (109) "
    public NOMEO -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public NOMEP -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public POSTER_GRANDE -> string (16) "16025_grande.jpg"
    public POSTER_MEDIO -> string (15) "16025_medio.jpg"
    public POSTER_PEQUENO -> string (17) "16025_pequeno.jpg"
    public sala -> string (1) "2"
    public sessaoAzul -> string (1) "0"
    public status -> string (1) "c"
    public tipo_sessao -> string (2) "2D"
    public updated_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public video -> string (2) "2D"
4 => array (1)
N => array (1)
2D => array (2)
0 => stdClass#178 (22)
  • Properties (22)
  • public created_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public data_hora -> string (19) "2025-04-01 17:00:00"
    public deleted_at -> null
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    public dolby_atmos -> string (1) "0"
    public FK_Cinema -> string (2) "83"
    public FK_Filme -> string (5) "16025"
    public GENERO -> string (5) "Drama"
    public id -> string (8) "18172087"
    public legenda -> string (1) "N"
    public link -> string (109) "
    public NOMEO -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public NOMEP -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public POSTER_GRANDE -> string (16) "16025_grande.jpg"
    public POSTER_MEDIO -> string (15) "16025_medio.jpg"
    public POSTER_PEQUENO -> string (17) "16025_pequeno.jpg"
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    public sessaoAzul -> string (1) "0"
    public status -> string (1) "c"
    public tipo_sessao -> string (2) "2D"
    public updated_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public video -> string (2) "2D"
1 => stdClass#195 (22)
  • Properties (22)
  • public created_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public data_hora -> string (19) "2025-04-01 19:10:00"
    public deleted_at -> null
    public disponibilidade -> string (1) "1"
    public dolby_atmos -> string (1) "0"
    public FK_Cinema -> string (2) "83"
    public FK_Filme -> string (5) "16025"
    public GENERO -> string (5) "Drama"
    public id -> string (8) "18172089"
    public legenda -> string (1) "N"
    public link -> string (109) "
    public NOMEO -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public NOMEP -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
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    public POSTER_MEDIO -> string (15) "16025_medio.jpg"
    public POSTER_PEQUENO -> string (17) "16025_pequeno.jpg"
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    public sessaoAzul -> string (1) "0"
    public status -> string (1) "c"
    public tipo_sessao -> string (2) "2D"
    public updated_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public video -> string (2) "2D"
02/04/2025 => array (1)
2 => array (1)
N => array (1)
2D => array (2)
0 => stdClass#187 (22)
  • Properties (22)
  • public created_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public data_hora -> string (19) "2025-04-02 14:40:00"
    public deleted_at -> null
    public disponibilidade -> string (1) "1"
    public dolby_atmos -> string (1) "0"
    public FK_Cinema -> string (2) "83"
    public FK_Filme -> string (5) "16025"
    public GENERO -> string (5) "Drama"
    public id -> string (8) "18172090"
    public legenda -> string (1) "N"
    public link -> string (109) "
    public NOMEO -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public NOMEP -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public POSTER_GRANDE -> string (16) "16025_grande.jpg"
    public POSTER_MEDIO -> string (15) "16025_medio.jpg"
    public POSTER_PEQUENO -> string (17) "16025_pequeno.jpg"
    public sala -> string (1) "2"
    public sessaoAzul -> string (1) "0"
    public status -> string (1) "c"
    public tipo_sessao -> string (2) "2D"
    public updated_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public video -> string (2) "2D"
1 => stdClass#176 (22)
  • Properties (22)
  • public created_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public data_hora -> string (19) "2025-04-02 19:20:00"
    public deleted_at -> null
    public disponibilidade -> string (1) "1"
    public dolby_atmos -> string (1) "0"
    public FK_Cinema -> string (2) "83"
    public FK_Filme -> string (5) "16025"
    public GENERO -> string (5) "Drama"
    public id -> string (8) "18172091"
    public legenda -> string (1) "N"
    public link -> string (109) "
    public NOMEO -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public NOMEP -> UTF-8 string (32) "Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem"
    public POSTER_GRANDE -> string (16) "16025_grande.jpg"
    public POSTER_MEDIO -> string (15) "16025_medio.jpg"
    public POSTER_PEQUENO -> string (17) "16025_pequeno.jpg"
    public sala -> string (1) "2"
    public sessaoAzul -> string (1) "0"
    public status -> string (1) "c"
    public tipo_sessao -> string (2) "2D"
    public updated_at -> string (19) "2025-03-31 18:20:10"
    public video -> string (2) "2D"
descricao Arcoplex apresenta Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem. Clara é professora de matemática e faz o maior sucesso como influencer educacional em seu canal na internet. Bem humorada, sarcástica e às vezes debochada, ela gosta de manter tudo sob controle, mas vai precisar aprender a lidar com a vulnerabilidade quando descobre que tem câncer de mama. Com coragem e resiliência, ela enfrenta dias ruins e outros melhores ao lado da família e de amigas leais. Enquanto luta pela cura, Clara tem a chance de celebrar a vida e de ressignificar seus relacionamentos.
image_compart_filme 16025
autor tonks
palavra_chave arcoplex, arcoplex, Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem ,Câncer com Ascendente em Virgem
$value array (0)
$value array (12)
  • Table (12)
  • Contents (12)
  • inforedesestrutura
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    Arcoplex Araranguáarray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Bella Cittàarray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Gravataíarray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Itajaíarray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Jaraguáarray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Lajeadoarray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Park Europeuarray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Pátio Limeiraarray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Royal Plazaarray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Shopping do Valearray (21)array (1)array (1)
    Arcoplex Via Catarinaarray (21)array (1)array (1)
  • Arcoplex Águas Claras => array (3)
    $value['Arcoplex Águas Claras']
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uri aguas_claras
page home
$value App\Models\FilmeClaqueteMD#192 (59)
  • Properties (59)
  • Available methods (93)
  • Static class properties (7)
  • public clientName -> string (8) "Arcoplex"
    public ingresso_partnership -> null
    public memcached -> Memcached#182 (0)
    • Available methods (59)
    • Static class properties (119)
    • public __construct(?string $persistent_id = null, ?callable $callback = null, ?string $connection_str = null)
      new \Memcached(?string $persistent_id = null, ?callable $callback = null, ?string $connection_str = null)
      public getResultCode(): int
      public getResultMessage(): string
      public get(string $key, ?callable $cache_cb = null, int $get_flags0): mixed
      $value->memcached->get(string $key, ?callable $cache_cb = null, int $get_flags0)
      public getByKey(string $server_key, string $key, ?callable $cache_cb = null, int $get_flags0): mixed
      $value->memcached->getByKey(string $server_key, string $key, ?callable $cache_cb = null, int $get_flags0)
      public getMulti(array $keys, int $get_flags0): array|false
      $value->memcached->getMulti(array $keys, int $get_flags0)
      public getMultiByKey(string $server_key, array $keys, int $get_flags0): array|false
      $value->memcached->getMultiByKey(string $server_key, array $keys, int $get_flags0)
      public getDelayed(array $keys, bool $with_cas = false, ?callable $value_cb = null): bool
      $value->memcached->getDelayed(array $keys, bool $with_cas = false, ?callable $value_cb = null)
      public getDelayedByKey(string $server_key, array $keys, bool $with_cas = false, ?callable $value_cb = null): bool
      $value->memcached->getDelayedByKey(string $server_key, array $keys, bool $with_cas = false, ?callable $value_cb = null)
      public fetch(): array|false
      public fetchAll(): array|false
      public set(string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->set(string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0)
      public setByKey(string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->setByKey(string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0)
      public touch(string $key, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->touch(string $key, int $expiration0)
      public touchByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->touchByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $expiration0)
      public setMulti(array $items, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->setMulti(array $items, int $expiration0)
      public setMultiByKey(string $server_key, array $items, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->setMultiByKey(string $server_key, array $items, int $expiration0)
      public cas(string|int|float $cas_token, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->cas(string|int|float $cas_token, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0)
      public casByKey(string|int|float $cas_token, string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->casByKey(string|int|float $cas_token, string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0)
      public add(string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->add(string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0)
      public addByKey(string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->addByKey(string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0)
      public append(string $key, string $value): ?bool
      $value->memcached->append(string $key, string $value)
      public appendByKey(string $server_key, string $key, string $value): ?bool
      $value->memcached->appendByKey(string $server_key, string $key, string $value)
      public prepend(string $key, string $value): ?bool
      $value->memcached->prepend(string $key, string $value)
      public prependByKey(string $server_key, string $key, string $value): ?bool
      $value->memcached->prependByKey(string $server_key, string $key, string $value)
      public replace(string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->replace(string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0)
      public replaceByKey(string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0): bool
      $value->memcached->replaceByKey(string $server_key, string $key, mixed $value, int $expiration0)
      public delete(string $key, int $time0): bool
      $value->memcached->delete(string $key, int $time0)
      public deleteMulti(array $keys, int $time0): array
      $value->memcached->deleteMulti(array $keys, int $time0)
      public deleteByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $time0): bool
      $value->memcached->deleteByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $time0)
      public deleteMultiByKey(string $server_key, array $keys, int $time0): array
      $value->memcached->deleteMultiByKey(string $server_key, array $keys, int $time0)
      public increment(string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value0, int $expiry0): int|false
      $value->memcached->increment(string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value0, int $expiry0)
      public decrement(string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value0, int $expiry0): int|false
      $value->memcached->decrement(string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value0, int $expiry0)
      public incrementByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value0, int $expiry0): int|false
      $value->memcached->incrementByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value0, int $expiry0)
      public decrementByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value0, int $expiry0): int|false
      $value->memcached->decrementByKey(string $server_key, string $key, int $offset = 1, int $initial_value0, int $expiry0)
      public addServer(string $host, int $port, int $weight0): bool
      $value->memcached->addServer(string $host, int $port, int $weight0)
      public addServers(array $servers): bool
      $value->memcached->addServers(array $servers)
      public getServerList(): array
      public getServerByKey(string $server_key): array|false
      $value->memcached->getServerByKey(string $server_key)
      public resetServerList(): bool
      public quit(): bool
      public flushBuffers(): bool
      public getLastErrorMessage(): string
      public getLastErrorCode(): int
      public getLastErrorErrno(): int
      public getLastDisconnectedServer(): array|false
      public getStats(?string $type = null): array|false
      $value->memcached->getStats(?string $type = null)
      public getVersion(): array|false
      public getAllKeys(): array|false
      public flush(int $delay0): bool
      $value->memcached->flush(int $delay0)
      public getOption(int $option): mixed
      $value->memcached->getOption(int $option)
      public setOption(int $option, mixed $value): bool
      $value->memcached->setOption(int $option, mixed $value)
      public setOptions(array $options): bool
      $value->memcached->setOptions(array $options)
      public setBucket(array $host_map, ?array $forward_map, int $replicas): bool
      $value->memcached->setBucket(array $host_map, ?array $forward_map, int $replicas)
      public setSaslAuthData(string $username, string $password): bool
      $value->memcached->setSaslAuthData(string $username, string $password)
      public setEncodingKey(string $key): bool
      $value->memcached->setEncodingKey(string $key)
      public isPersistent(): bool
      public isPristine(): bool
      public checkKey(string $key): bool
      $value->memcached->checkKey(string $key)
    • public const LIBMEMCACHED_VERSION_HEX :: integer 16777240
      public const OPT_COMPRESSION :: integer -1001
      public const OPT_COMPRESSION_TYPE :: integer -1004
      public const OPT_COMPRESSION_LEVEL :: integer -1007
      public const OPT_PREFIX_KEY :: integer -1002
      public const OPT_SERIALIZER :: integer -1003
      public const OPT_USER_FLAGS :: integer -1006
      public const OPT_STORE_RETRY_COUNT :: integer -1005
      public const OPT_ITEM_SIZE_LIMIT :: integer -1008
      public const HAVE_IGBINARY :: boolean false
      public const HAVE_ZSTD :: boolean false
      public const HAVE_JSON :: boolean false
      public const HAVE_MSGPACK :: boolean false
      public const HAVE_ENCODING :: boolean true
      public const HAVE_SESSION :: boolean true
      public const HAVE_SASL :: boolean true
      public const OPT_HASH :: integer 2
      public const HASH_DEFAULT :: integer 0
      public const HASH_MD5 :: integer 1
      public const HASH_CRC :: integer 2
      public const HASH_FNV1_64 :: integer 3
      public const HASH_FNV1A_64 :: integer 4
      public const HASH_FNV1_32 :: integer 5
      public const HASH_FNV1A_32 :: integer 6
      public const HASH_HSIEH :: integer 7
      public const HASH_MURMUR :: integer 8
      public const OPT_DISTRIBUTION :: integer 9
      public const DISTRIBUTION_MODULA :: integer 0
      public const DISTRIBUTION_CONSISTENT :: integer 1
      public const DISTRIBUTION_VIRTUAL_BUCKET :: integer 6
      public const OPT_LIBKETAMA_COMPATIBLE :: integer 16
      public const OPT_LIBKETAMA_HASH :: integer 17
      public const OPT_TCP_KEEPALIVE :: integer 32
      public const OPT_BUFFER_WRITES :: integer 10
      public const OPT_BINARY_PROTOCOL :: integer 18
      public const OPT_NO_BLOCK :: integer 0
      public const OPT_TCP_NODELAY :: integer 1
      public const OPT_SOCKET_SEND_SIZE :: integer 4
      public const OPT_SOCKET_RECV_SIZE :: integer 5
      public const OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT :: integer 14
      public const OPT_RETRY_TIMEOUT :: integer 15
      public const OPT_DEAD_TIMEOUT :: integer 36
      public const OPT_SEND_TIMEOUT :: integer 19
      public const OPT_RECV_TIMEOUT :: integer 20
      public const OPT_POLL_TIMEOUT :: integer 8
      public const OPT_CACHE_LOOKUPS :: integer 6
      public const OPT_SERVER_FAILURE_LIMIT :: integer 21
      public const OPT_AUTO_EJECT_HOSTS :: integer 28
      public const OPT_HASH_WITH_PREFIX_KEY :: integer 25
      public const OPT_NOREPLY :: integer 26
      public const OPT_SORT_HOSTS :: integer 12
      public const OPT_VERIFY_KEY :: integer 13
      public const OPT_USE_UDP :: integer 27
      public const OPT_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS :: integer 29
      public const OPT_RANDOMIZE_REPLICA_READ :: integer 30
      public const OPT_REMOVE_FAILED_SERVERS :: integer 35
      public const OPT_SERVER_TIMEOUT_LIMIT :: integer 37
      public const RES_SUCCESS :: integer 0
      public const RES_FAILURE :: integer 1
      public const RES_HOST_LOOKUP_FAILURE :: integer 2
      public const RES_CONNECTION_FAILURE :: integer 3
      public const RES_CONNECTION_BIND_FAILURE :: integer 4
      public const RES_WRITE_FAILURE :: integer 5
      public const RES_READ_FAILURE :: integer 6
      public const RES_UNKNOWN_READ_FAILURE :: integer 7
      public const RES_PROTOCOL_ERROR :: integer 8
      public const RES_CLIENT_ERROR :: integer 9
      public const RES_SERVER_ERROR :: integer 10
      public const RES_DATA_EXISTS :: integer 12
      public const RES_DATA_DOES_NOT_EXIST :: integer 13
      public const RES_NOTSTORED :: integer 14
      public const RES_STORED :: integer 15
      public const RES_NOTFOUND :: integer 16
      public const RES_PARTIAL_READ :: integer 18
      public const RES_SOME_ERRORS :: integer 19
      public const RES_NO_SERVERS :: integer 20
      public const RES_END :: integer 21
      public const RES_DELETED :: integer 22
      public const RES_VALUE :: integer 23
      public const RES_STAT :: integer 24
      public const RES_ITEM :: integer 25
      public const RES_ERRNO :: integer 26
      public const RES_FAIL_UNIX_SOCKET :: integer 27
      public const RES_NOT_SUPPORTED :: integer 28
      public const RES_NO_KEY_PROVIDED :: integer 29
      public const RES_FETCH_NOTFINISHED :: integer 30
      public const RES_TIMEOUT :: integer 31
      public const RES_BUFFERED :: integer 32
      public const RES_BAD_KEY_PROVIDED :: integer 33
      public const RES_INVALID_HOST_PROTOCOL :: integer 34
      public const RES_SERVER_MARKED_DEAD :: integer 35
      public const RES_UNKNOWN_STAT_KEY :: integer 36
      public const RES_INVALID_ARGUMENTS :: integer 38
      public const RES_PARSE_ERROR :: integer 43
      public const RES_PARSE_USER_ERROR :: integer 44
      public const RES_DEPRECATED :: integer 45
      public const RES_IN_PROGRESS :: integer 46
      public const RES_MAXIMUM_RETURN :: integer 49
      public const RES_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE :: integer 17
      public const RES_CONNECTION_SOCKET_CREATE_FAILURE :: integer 11
      public const RES_E2BIG :: integer 37
      public const RES_KEY_TOO_BIG :: integer 39
      public const RES_SERVER_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED :: integer 47
      public const RES_SERVER_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILURE :: integer 48
      public const RES_AUTH_PROBLEM :: integer 40
      public const RES_AUTH_FAILURE :: integer 41
      public const RES_AUTH_CONTINUE :: integer 42
      public const RES_PAYLOAD_FAILURE :: integer -1001
      public const SERIALIZER_PHP :: integer 1
      public const SERIALIZER_IGBINARY :: integer 2
      public const SERIALIZER_JSON :: integer 3
      public const SERIALIZER_JSON_ARRAY :: integer 4
      public const SERIALIZER_MSGPACK :: integer 5
      public const COMPRESSION_FASTLZ :: integer 2
      public const COMPRESSION_ZLIB :: integer 1
      public const COMPRESSION_ZSTD :: integer 3
      public const GET_PRESERVE_ORDER :: integer 1
      public const GET_EXTENDED :: integer 2
      public const GET_ERROR_RETURN_VALUE :: boolean false
    public memcached_time -> null
    public pager -> null
    protected afterDelete -> array (0)
    protected afterFind -> array (0)
    protected afterInsert -> array (0)
    protected afterInsertBatch -> array (0)
    protected afterUpdate -> array (0)
    protected afterUpdateBatch -> array (0)
    protected allowCallbacks -> boolean true
    protected allowedFields -> array (0)
    protected allowEmptyInserts -> boolean false
    protected beforeDelete -> array (0)
    protected beforeFind -> array (0)
    protected beforeInsert -> array (0)
    protected beforeInsertBatch -> array (0)
    protected beforeUpdate -> array (0)
    protected beforeUpdateBatch -> array (0)
    protected builder -> null
    protected castHandlers -> array (0)
    protected casts -> array (0)
    protected claqueteDB -> CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection#75 (44)
    • Properties (44)
    • Available methods (75)
    • public connID -> mysqli#189 (0)
      • Available methods (44)
      public dataCache -> array (0)
      public DBDriver -> string (6) "MySQLi"
      public deleteHack -> boolean true
      public escapeChar -> string (1) "`"
      public likeEscapeChar -> string (1) "!"
      public likeEscapeStr -> string (13) " ESCAPE '%s' "
      public mysqli -> mysqli#189 (0)
      • Available methods (44)
      public numberNative -> boolean false
      public protectIdentifiers -> boolean true
      public resultID -> mysqli_result#155 (0)
      • Available methods (16)
      • Iterator
      public resultMode -> integer 0
      public transEnabled -> boolean true
      public transStrict -> boolean true
      protected aliasedTables -> array (0)
      protected charset -> string (6) "latin1"
      protected compress -> boolean false
      protected connectDuration -> double 0.0012571811676025
      protected connectTime -> double 1743456238.2699
      protected database -> string (18) "claquete_principal"
      protected dateFormat -> array (5)
      date => string (5) "Y-m-d"
      datetime => string (11) "Y-m-d H:i:s"
      datetime-ms => string (13) "Y-m-d H:i:s.v"
      datetime-us => string (13) "Y-m-d H:i:s.u"
      time => string (5) "H:i:s"
      protected DBCollat -> string (17) "latin1_swedish_ci"
      protected DBDebug -> boolean true
      protected DBPrefix -> string (0) ""
      protected DSN -> string (0) ""
      protected encrypt -> boolean false
      protected failover -> array (0)
      protected hostname -> string (9) "localhost"
      protected lastQuery -> CodeIgniter\Database\Query#180 (9)
      • Properties (10)
      • Available methods (19)
      • public db -> CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection#75 (44) Recursion
        protected bindMarker -> string (1) "?"
        protected binds -> array (0)
        protected endTime -> double 1743456238.2805
        protected errorCode -> null
        protected errorString -> null
        protected finalQueryString -> string (48) "SELECT * FROM FOTOS2 WHERE ID_FILME = 16025"
            WHERE ID_FILME = 16025
        protected originalQueryString -> string (48) "SELECT * FROM FOTOS2 WHERE ID_FILME = 16025"
            WHERE ID_FILME = 16025
        protected startTime -> double 1743456238.2801
        protected swappedQueryString -> undefined
      • public __construct(CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface $db)
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:98
        public setQuery(string $sql, $binds = null, bool $setEscape = true): $this Sets the raw query string to use for this statement.
        * Sets the raw query string to use for this statement.
        * @param mixed $binds
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:110
        public setBinds(array $binds, bool $setEscape = true): $this Will store the variables to bind into the query later.
        * Will store the variables to bind into the query later.
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:141
        public getQuery(): string Returns the final, processed query string after binding, etal has been perfor...
        * Returns the final, processed query string after binding, etal
        * has been performed.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:160
        public setDuration(float $start, ?float $end = null): $this Records the execution time of the statement using microtime(true) for it's st...
        * Records the execution time of the statement using microtime(true)
        * for it's start and end values. If no end value is present, will
        * use the current time to determine total duration.
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:176
        public getStartTime(bool $returnRaw = false, int $decimals = 6): float|string Returns the start time in seconds with microseconds.
        * Returns the start time in seconds with microseconds.
        * @return float|string
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:194
        public getDuration(int $decimals = 6): string Returns the duration of this query during execution, or null if the query has...
        * Returns the duration of this query during execution, or null if
        * the query has not been executed yet.
        * @param int $decimals The accuracy of the returned time.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:209
        public setError(int $code, string $error): $this Stores the error description that happened for this query.
        * Stores the error description that happened for this query.
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:219
        public hasError(): bool Reports whether this statement created an error not.
        * Reports whether this statement created an error not.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:230
        public getErrorCode(): int Returns the error code created while executing this statement.
        * Returns the error code created while executing this statement.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:238
        public getErrorMessage(): string Returns the error message created while executing this statement.
        * Returns the error message created while executing this statement.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:246
        public isWriteType(): bool Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
        * Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:254
        public swapPrefix(string $orig, string $swap): $this Swaps out one table prefix for a new one.
        * Swaps out one table prefix for a new one.
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:264
        public getOriginalQuery(): string Returns the original SQL that was passed into the system.
        * Returns the original SQL that was passed into the system.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:281
        public debugToolbarDisplay(): string Returns string to display in debug toolbar
        * Returns string to display in debug toolbar
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:373
        public __toString(): string Return text representation of the query
        * Return text representation of the query
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:427
        protected compileBinds() Escapes and inserts any binds into the finalQueryString property.
        * Escapes and inserts any binds into the finalQueryString property.
        * @see
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:291
        protected matchNamedBinds(string $sql, array $binds): string Match bindings
        * Match bindings
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:319
        protected matchSimpleBinds(string $sql, array $binds, int $bindCount, int $ml): string Match bindings
        * Match bindings
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:343
      protected password -> string (15) "fi^YlKz/{WsSfNz"
      protected pConnect -> boolean false
      protected port -> integer 3306
      protected pregEscapeChar -> array (0)
      protected pretend -> boolean false
      protected queryClass -> string (26) "CodeIgniter\Database\Query"
      protected reservedIdentifiers -> array (1)
      0 => string (1) "*"
      protected strictOn -> boolean false
      protected subdriver -> null
      protected swapPre -> string (0) ""
      protected transDepth -> integer 0
      protected transException -> boolean false
      protected transFailure -> boolean false
      protected transStatus -> boolean true
      protected username -> string (15) "arcoplex_master"
    • public connect(bool $persistent = false): false|mysqli Connect to the database.
      * Connect to the database.
      * @return false|mysqli
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:91
      public reconnect(): void Keep or establish the connection if no queries have been sent for a length of...
      * Keep or establish the connection if no queries have been sent for
      * a length of time exceeding the server's idle timeout.
      * @return void
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:243
      public setDatabase(string $databaseName): bool Select a specific database table to use.
      * Select a specific database table to use.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:262
      public getVersion(): string Returns a string containing the version of the database being used.
      * Returns a string containing the version of the database being used.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:284
      public affectedRows(): int Returns the total number of rows affected by this query.
      * Returns the total number of rows affected by this query.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:341
      public escapeLikeStringDirect($str): list<string>|string Escape Like String Direct There are a few instances where MySQLi queries cann...
      * Escape Like String Direct
      * There are a few instances where MySQLi queries cannot take the
      * additional "ESCAPE x" parameter for specifying the escape character
      * in "LIKE" strings, and this handles those directly with a backslash.
      * @param list<string>|string $str Input string
      * @return list<string>|string
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:368
      public error(): array Returns the last error code and message. Must return this format: ['code' => ...
      * Returns the last error code and message.
      * Must return this format: ['code' => string|int, 'message' => string]
      * intval(code) === 0 means "no error".
      * @return array<string, int|string>
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:574
      public insertID(): int Insert ID
      * Insert ID
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:592
      public __construct(array $params) Saves our connection settings.
      * Saves our connection settings.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:370
      public initialize(): void Initializes the database connection/settings.
      * Initializes the database connection/settings.
      * @return void
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:404
      public close(): void Close the database connection.
      * Close the database connection.
      * @return void
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:483
      public persistentConnect(): false|object|resource Create a persistent database connection.
      * Create a persistent database connection.
      * @return         false|object|resource
      * @phpstan-return false|TConnection
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:504
      public getConnection(?string $alias = null): false|object|resource Returns the actual connection object. If both a 'read' and 'write' connection...
      * Returns the actual connection object. If both a 'read' and 'write'
      * connection has been specified, you can pass either term in to
      * get that connection. If you pass either alias in and only a single
      * connection is present, it must return the sole connection.
      * @return         false|object|resource
      * @phpstan-return TConnection
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:518
      public getDatabase(): string Returns the name of the current database being used.
      * Returns the name of the current database being used.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:527
      public setPrefix(string $prefix = ''): string Set DB Prefix
      * Set DB Prefix
      * Set's the DB Prefix to something new without needing to reconnect
      * @param string $prefix The prefix
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:539
      public getPrefix(): string Returns the database prefix.
      * Returns the database prefix.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:547
      public getPlatform(): string The name of the platform in use (MySQLi, Postgre, SQLite3, OCI8, etc)
      * The name of the platform in use (MySQLi, Postgre, SQLite3, OCI8, etc)
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:555
      public setAliasedTables(array $aliases): $this Sets the Table Aliases to use. These are typically collected during use of th...
      * Sets the Table Aliases to use. These are typically
      * collected during use of the Builder, and set here
      * so queries are built correctly.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:567
      public addTableAlias(string $table): $this Add a table alias to our list.
      * Add a table alias to our list.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:579
      public query(string $sql, $binds = null, bool $setEscapeFlags = true, string $queryClass = ''): BaseResult|bool|Query BaseResult when “read” type query, bool when “write” type query, Query when prepared query Orchestrates a query against the database. Queries must use Database\Statemen...
      * Orchestrates a query against the database. Queries must use
      * Database\Statement objects to store the query and build it.
      * This method works with the cache.
      * Should automatically handle different connections for read/write
      * queries if needed.
      * @param array|string|null $binds
      * @return         BaseResult|bool|Query                       BaseResult when “read” type query, bool when “write” type query, Query when prepared query
      * @phpstan-return BaseResult<TConnection, TResult>|bool|Query
      * @todo BC set $queryClass default as null in 4.1
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:611
      public simpleQuery(string $sql): false|object|resource Performs a basic query against the database. No binding or caching is perform...
      * Performs a basic query against the database. No binding or caching
      * is performed, nor are transactions handled. Simply takes a raw
      * query string and returns the database-specific result id.
      * @return         false|object|resource
      * @phpstan-return false|TResult
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:728
      public transOff(): void Disable Transactions
      * Disable Transactions
      * This permits transactions to be disabled at run-time.
      * @return void
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:744
      public transStrict(bool $mode = true): $this Enable/disable Transaction Strict Mode
      * Enable/disable Transaction Strict Mode
      * When strict mode is enabled, if you are running multiple groups of
      * transactions, if one group fails all subsequent groups will be
      * rolled back.
      * If strict mode is disabled, each group is treated autonomously,
      * meaning a failure of one group will not affect any others
      * @param bool $mode = true
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:763
      public transStart(bool $testMode = false): bool Start Transaction
      * Start Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:773
      public transException(bool $transExcetion): $this If set to true, exceptions are thrown during transactions.
      * If set to true, exceptions are thrown during transactions.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:787
      public transComplete(): bool Complete Transaction
      * Complete Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:797
      public transStatus(): bool Lets you retrieve the transaction flag to determine if it has failed
      * Lets you retrieve the transaction flag to determine if it has failed
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:823
      public transBegin(bool $testMode = false): bool Begin Transaction
      * Begin Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:831
      public transCommit(): bool Commit Transaction
      * Commit Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:865
      public transRollback(): bool Rollback Transaction
      * Rollback Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:884
      public table($tableName): BaseBuilder Returns a non-shared new instance of the query builder for this connection.
      * Returns a non-shared new instance of the query builder for this connection.
      * @param array|string $tableName
      * @return BaseBuilder
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:924
      public newQuery(): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseBuilder Returns a new instance of the BaseBuilder class with a cleared FROM clause.
      * Returns a new instance of the BaseBuilder class with a cleared FROM clause.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:938
      public prepare(Closure $func, array $options = array()): BasePreparedQuery|null Creates a prepared statement with the database that can then be used to execu...
      * Creates a prepared statement with the database that can then
      * be used to execute multiple statements against. Within the
      * closure, you would build the query in any normal way, though
      * the Query Builder is the expected manner.
      * Example:
      *    $stmt = $db->prepare(function($db)
      *           {
      *             return $db->table('users')
      *                   ->where('id', 1)
      *                     ->get();
      *           })
      * @return BasePreparedQuery|null
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:964
      public getLastQuery(): Query Returns the last query's statement object.
      * Returns the last query's statement object.
      * @return Query
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:992
      public showLastQuery(): string Returns a string representation of the last query's statement object.
      * Returns a string representation of the last query's statement object.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1000
      public getConnectStart(): ?float Returns the time we started to connect to this database in seconds with micro...
      * Returns the time we started to connect to this database in
      * seconds with microseconds.
      * Used by the Debug Toolbar's timeline.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1011
      public getConnectDuration(int $decimals = 6): string Returns the number of seconds with microseconds that it took to connect to th...
      * Returns the number of seconds with microseconds that it took
      * to connect to the database.
      * Used by the Debug Toolbar's timeline.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1022
      public protectIdentifiers($item, bool $prefixSingle = false, ?bool $protectIdentifiers = null, bool $fieldExists = true): array|string Protect Identifiers
      * Protect Identifiers
      * This function is used extensively by the Query Builder class, and by
      * a couple functions in this class.
      * It takes a column or table name (optionally with an alias) and inserts
      * the table prefix onto it. Some logic is necessary in order to deal with
      * column names that include the path. Consider a query like this:
      * SELECT hostname.database.table.column AS c FROM hostname.database.table
      * Or a query with aliasing:
      * SELECT m.member_id, m.member_name FROM members AS m
      * Since the column name can include up to four segments (host, DB, table, column)
      * or also have an alias prefix, we need to do a bit of work to figure this out and
      * insert the table prefix (if it exists) in the proper position, and escape only
      * the correct identifiers.
      * @param array|int|string $item
      * @param bool             $prefixSingle       Prefix a table name with no segments?
      * @param bool             $protectIdentifiers Protect table or column names?
      * @param bool             $fieldExists        Supplied $item contains a column name?
      * @return         array|string
      * @phpstan-return ($item is array ? array : string)
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1055
      public escapeIdentifier(string $item): string Escape the SQL Identifier
      * Escape the SQL Identifier
      * This function escapes single identifier.
      * @param non-empty-string $item
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1215
      public escapeIdentifiers($item): array|string Escape the SQL Identifiers
      * Escape the SQL Identifiers
      * This function escapes column and table names
      * @param array|string $item
      * @return         array|string
      * @phpstan-return ($item is array ? array : string)
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1236
      public prefixTable(string $table = ''): string Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration
      * Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1296
      public escape($str): array|float|int|string "Smart" Escape String
      * "Smart" Escape String
      * Escapes data based on type.
      * Sets boolean and null types
      * @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $str
      * @return         array|float|int|string
      * @phpstan-return ($str is array ? array : float|int|string)
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1321
      public escapeString($str, bool $like = false): list<string>|string Escape String
      * Escape String
      * @param list<string|Stringable>|string|Stringable $str  Input string
      * @param bool                                      $like Whether the string will be used in a LIKE condition
      * @return list<string>|string
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1354
      public escapeLikeString($str): list<string>|string Escape LIKE String
      * Escape LIKE String
      * Calls the individual driver for platform
      * specific escaping for LIKE conditions
      * @param list<string|Stringable>|string|Stringable $str
      * @return list<string>|string
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1404
      public callFunction(string $functionName, $params): bool This function enables you to call PHP database functions that are not nativel...
      * This function enables you to call PHP database functions that are not natively included
      * in CodeIgniter, in a platform independent manner.
      * @param array ...$params
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1427
      public listTables(bool $constrainByPrefix = false): false|list<string> Returns an array of table names
      * Returns an array of table names
      * @return false|list<string>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1465
      public tableExists(string $tableName, bool $cached = true): bool Determine if a particular table exists
      * Determine if a particular table exists
      * @param bool $cached Whether to use data cache
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1502
      public getFieldNames(string $table): false|list<string> Fetch Field Names
      * Fetch Field Names
      * @return false|list<string>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1543
      public fieldExists(string $fieldName, string $tableName): bool Determine if a particular field exists
      * Determine if a particular field exists
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1588
      public getFieldData(string $table): list<stdClass> Returns an object with field data
      * Returns an object with field data
      * @return list<stdClass>
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1598
      public getIndexData(string $table): array<string, stdClass> Returns an object with key data
      * Returns an object with key data
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1608
      public getForeignKeyData(string $table): array<string, stdClass> Returns an object with foreign key data
      * Returns an object with foreign key data
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1618
      public disableForeignKeyChecks(): bool Disables foreign key checks temporarily.
      * Disables foreign key checks temporarily.
      * @return bool
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1675
      public enableForeignKeyChecks(): bool Enables foreign key checks temporarily.
      * Enables foreign key checks temporarily.
      * @return bool
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1692
      public pretend(bool $pretend = true): $this Allows the engine to be set into a mode where queries are not actually execut...
      * Allows the engine to be set into a mode where queries are not
      * actually executed, but they are still generated, timed, etc.
      * This is primarily used by the prepared query functionality.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1712
      public resetDataCache(): $this Empties our data cache. Especially helpful during testing.
      * Empties our data cache. Especially helpful during testing.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1724
      public isWriteType($sql): bool Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
      * Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
      * @param string $sql
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1736
      public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|resource|string|null Accessor for properties if they exist.
      * Accessor for properties if they exist.
      * @return array|bool|float|int|object|resource|string|null
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1838
      public __isset(string $key): bool Checker for properties existence.
      * Checker for properties existence.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1850
      protected _close(): void Close the database connection.
      * Close the database connection.
      * @return void
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:254
      protected execute(string $sql): false|mysqli_result; Executes the query against the database.
      * Executes the query against the database.
      * @return false|mysqli_result;
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:302
      protected prepQuery(string $sql): string Prep the query. If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string
      * Prep the query. If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:327
      protected _escapeString(string $str): string Platform-dependant string escape
      * Platform-dependant string escape
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:349
      protected _listTables(bool $prefixLimit = false, ?string $tableName = null): string Generates the SQL for listing tables in a platform-dependent manner. Uses esc...
      * Generates the SQL for listing tables in a platform-dependent manner.
      * Uses escapeLikeStringDirect().
      * @param string|null $tableName If $tableName is provided will return only this table if exists.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:394
      protected _listColumns(string $table = ''): string Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fe...
      * Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fetched.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:412
      protected _fieldData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with field data
      * Returns an array of objects with field data
      * @return list<stdClass>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:424
      protected _indexData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with index data
      * Returns an array of objects with index data
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      * @throws LogicException
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:457
      protected _foreignKeyData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with Foreign key data
      * Returns an array of objects with Foreign key data
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:502
      protected _disableForeignKeyChecks(): string Returns platform-specific SQL to disable foreign key checks.
      * Returns platform-specific SQL to disable foreign key checks.
      * @return string
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:552
      protected _enableForeignKeyChecks(): string Returns platform-specific SQL to enable foreign key checks.
      * Returns platform-specific SQL to enable foreign key checks.
      * @return string
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:562
      protected _transBegin(): bool Begin Transaction
      * Begin Transaction
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:600
      protected _transCommit(): bool Commit Transaction
      * Commit Transaction
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:610
      protected _transRollback(): bool Rollback Transaction
      * Rollback Transaction
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:624
      protected getDriverFunctionPrefix(): string Get the prefix of the function to access the DB.
      * Get the prefix of the function to access the DB.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1449
      protected foreignKeyDataToObjects(array $data): array<string, stdClass> Converts array of arrays generated by _foreignKeyData() to array of objects
      * Converts array of arrays generated by _foreignKeyData() to array of objects
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      * array[
      *    {constraint_name} =>
      *        stdClass[
      *            'constraint_name'     => string,
      *            'table_name'          => string,
      *            'column_name'         => string[],
      *            'foreign_table_name'  => string,
      *            'foreign_column_name' => string[],
      *            'on_delete'           => string,
      *            'on_update'           => string,
      *            'match'               => string
      *        ]
      * ]
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1642
    protected cleanValidationRules -> boolean true
    protected clienteTonks -> integer 22
    protected converter -> null
    protected createdField -> string (10) "created_at"
    protected dateFormat -> string (8) "datetime"
    protected db -> CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection#74 (44)
    • Properties (44)
    • Available methods (75)
    • public connID -> mysqli#79 (0)
      • Available methods (44)
      public dataCache -> array (0)
      public DBDriver -> string (6) "MySQLi"
      public deleteHack -> boolean true
      public escapeChar -> string (1) "`"
      public likeEscapeChar -> string (1) "!"
      public likeEscapeStr -> string (13) " ESCAPE '%s' "
      public mysqli -> mysqli#79 (0)
      • Available methods (44)
      public numberNative -> boolean false
      public protectIdentifiers -> boolean true
      public resultID -> mysqli_result#184 (0)
      • Available methods (16)
      • Iterator
      public resultMode -> integer 0
      public transEnabled -> boolean true
      public transStrict -> boolean true
      protected aliasedTables -> array (0)
      protected charset -> string (7) "utf8mb4"
      protected compress -> boolean false
      protected connectDuration -> double 0.006782054901123
      protected connectTime -> double 1743456238.0883
      protected database -> string (18) "arcoplex_principal"
      protected dateFormat -> array (5)
      date => string (5) "Y-m-d"
      datetime => string (11) "Y-m-d H:i:s"
      datetime-ms => string (13) "Y-m-d H:i:s.v"
      datetime-us => string (13) "Y-m-d H:i:s.u"
      time => string (5) "H:i:s"
      protected DBCollat -> string (18) "utf8mb4_general_ci"
      protected DBDebug -> boolean true
      protected DBPrefix -> string (0) ""
      protected DSN -> string (0) ""
      protected encrypt -> boolean false
      protected failover -> array (0)
      protected hostname -> string (9) "localhost"
      protected lastQuery -> CodeIgniter\Database\Query#183 (9)
      • Properties (10)
      • Available methods (19)
      • public db -> CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Connection#74 (44) Recursion
        protected bindMarker -> string (1) "?"
        protected binds -> array (0)
        protected endTime -> double 1743456238.2885
        protected errorCode -> null
        protected errorString -> null
        protected finalQueryString -> string (22) "CALL salasByCineFK(83)"
        protected originalQueryString -> string (22) "CALL salasByCineFK(83)"
        protected startTime -> double 1743456238.2878
        protected swappedQueryString -> undefined
      • public __construct(CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface $db)
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:98
        public setQuery(string $sql, $binds = null, bool $setEscape = true): $this Sets the raw query string to use for this statement.
        * Sets the raw query string to use for this statement.
        * @param mixed $binds
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:110
        public setBinds(array $binds, bool $setEscape = true): $this Will store the variables to bind into the query later.
        * Will store the variables to bind into the query later.
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:141
        public getQuery(): string Returns the final, processed query string after binding, etal has been perfor...
        * Returns the final, processed query string after binding, etal
        * has been performed.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:160
        public setDuration(float $start, ?float $end = null): $this Records the execution time of the statement using microtime(true) for it's st...
        * Records the execution time of the statement using microtime(true)
        * for it's start and end values. If no end value is present, will
        * use the current time to determine total duration.
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:176
        public getStartTime(bool $returnRaw = false, int $decimals = 6): float|string Returns the start time in seconds with microseconds.
        * Returns the start time in seconds with microseconds.
        * @return float|string
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:194
        public getDuration(int $decimals = 6): string Returns the duration of this query during execution, or null if the query has...
        * Returns the duration of this query during execution, or null if
        * the query has not been executed yet.
        * @param int $decimals The accuracy of the returned time.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:209
        public setError(int $code, string $error): $this Stores the error description that happened for this query.
        * Stores the error description that happened for this query.
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:219
        public hasError(): bool Reports whether this statement created an error not.
        * Reports whether this statement created an error not.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:230
        public getErrorCode(): int Returns the error code created while executing this statement.
        * Returns the error code created while executing this statement.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:238
        public getErrorMessage(): string Returns the error message created while executing this statement.
        * Returns the error message created while executing this statement.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:246
        public isWriteType(): bool Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
        * Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:254
        public swapPrefix(string $orig, string $swap): $this Swaps out one table prefix for a new one.
        * Swaps out one table prefix for a new one.
        * @return $this
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:264
        public getOriginalQuery(): string Returns the original SQL that was passed into the system.
        * Returns the original SQL that was passed into the system.
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:281
        public debugToolbarDisplay(): string Returns string to display in debug toolbar
        * Returns string to display in debug toolbar
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:373
        public __toString(): string Return text representation of the query
        * Return text representation of the query
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:427
        protected compileBinds() Escapes and inserts any binds into the finalQueryString property.
        * Escapes and inserts any binds into the finalQueryString property.
        * @see
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:291
        protected matchNamedBinds(string $sql, array $binds): string Match bindings
        * Match bindings
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:319
        protected matchSimpleBinds(string $sql, array $binds, int $bindCount, int $ml): string Match bindings
        * Match bindings
        Defined in .../Database/Query.php:343
      protected password -> string (15) "fi^YlKz/{WsSfNz"
      protected pConnect -> boolean false
      protected port -> integer 3306
      protected pregEscapeChar -> array (4)
      1 => string (1) "`"
      0 => string (1) "`"
      3 => string (1) "`"
      2 => string (1) "`"
      protected pretend -> boolean false
      protected queryClass -> string (26) "CodeIgniter\Database\Query"
      protected reservedIdentifiers -> array (1)
      0 => string (1) "*"
      protected strictOn -> boolean false
      protected subdriver -> null
      protected swapPre -> string (0) ""
      protected transDepth -> integer 0
      protected transException -> boolean false
      protected transFailure -> boolean false
      protected transStatus -> boolean true
      protected username -> string (15) "arcoplex_master"
    • public connect(bool $persistent = false): false|mysqli Connect to the database.
      * Connect to the database.
      * @return false|mysqli
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:91
      public reconnect(): void Keep or establish the connection if no queries have been sent for a length of...
      * Keep or establish the connection if no queries have been sent for
      * a length of time exceeding the server's idle timeout.
      * @return void
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:243
      public setDatabase(string $databaseName): bool Select a specific database table to use.
      * Select a specific database table to use.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:262
      public getVersion(): string Returns a string containing the version of the database being used.
      * Returns a string containing the version of the database being used.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:284
      public affectedRows(): int Returns the total number of rows affected by this query.
      * Returns the total number of rows affected by this query.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:341
      public escapeLikeStringDirect($str): list<string>|string Escape Like String Direct There are a few instances where MySQLi queries cann...
      * Escape Like String Direct
      * There are a few instances where MySQLi queries cannot take the
      * additional "ESCAPE x" parameter for specifying the escape character
      * in "LIKE" strings, and this handles those directly with a backslash.
      * @param list<string>|string $str Input string
      * @return list<string>|string
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:368
      public error(): array Returns the last error code and message. Must return this format: ['code' => ...
      * Returns the last error code and message.
      * Must return this format: ['code' => string|int, 'message' => string]
      * intval(code) === 0 means "no error".
      * @return array<string, int|string>
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:574
      public insertID(): int Insert ID
      * Insert ID
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:592
      public __construct(array $params) Saves our connection settings.
      * Saves our connection settings.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:370
      public initialize(): void Initializes the database connection/settings.
      * Initializes the database connection/settings.
      * @return void
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:404
      public close(): void Close the database connection.
      * Close the database connection.
      * @return void
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:483
      public persistentConnect(): false|object|resource Create a persistent database connection.
      * Create a persistent database connection.
      * @return         false|object|resource
      * @phpstan-return false|TConnection
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:504
      public getConnection(?string $alias = null): false|object|resource Returns the actual connection object. If both a 'read' and 'write' connection...
      * Returns the actual connection object. If both a 'read' and 'write'
      * connection has been specified, you can pass either term in to
      * get that connection. If you pass either alias in and only a single
      * connection is present, it must return the sole connection.
      * @return         false|object|resource
      * @phpstan-return TConnection
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:518
      public getDatabase(): string Returns the name of the current database being used.
      * Returns the name of the current database being used.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:527
      public setPrefix(string $prefix = ''): string Set DB Prefix
      * Set DB Prefix
      * Set's the DB Prefix to something new without needing to reconnect
      * @param string $prefix The prefix
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:539
      public getPrefix(): string Returns the database prefix.
      * Returns the database prefix.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:547
      public getPlatform(): string The name of the platform in use (MySQLi, Postgre, SQLite3, OCI8, etc)
      * The name of the platform in use (MySQLi, Postgre, SQLite3, OCI8, etc)
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:555
      public setAliasedTables(array $aliases): $this Sets the Table Aliases to use. These are typically collected during use of th...
      * Sets the Table Aliases to use. These are typically
      * collected during use of the Builder, and set here
      * so queries are built correctly.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:567
      public addTableAlias(string $table): $this Add a table alias to our list.
      * Add a table alias to our list.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:579
      public query(string $sql, $binds = null, bool $setEscapeFlags = true, string $queryClass = ''): BaseResult|bool|Query BaseResult when “read” type query, bool when “write” type query, Query when prepared query Orchestrates a query against the database. Queries must use Database\Statemen...
      * Orchestrates a query against the database. Queries must use
      * Database\Statement objects to store the query and build it.
      * This method works with the cache.
      * Should automatically handle different connections for read/write
      * queries if needed.
      * @param array|string|null $binds
      * @return         BaseResult|bool|Query                       BaseResult when “read” type query, bool when “write” type query, Query when prepared query
      * @phpstan-return BaseResult<TConnection, TResult>|bool|Query
      * @todo BC set $queryClass default as null in 4.1
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:611
      public simpleQuery(string $sql): false|object|resource Performs a basic query against the database. No binding or caching is perform...
      * Performs a basic query against the database. No binding or caching
      * is performed, nor are transactions handled. Simply takes a raw
      * query string and returns the database-specific result id.
      * @return         false|object|resource
      * @phpstan-return false|TResult
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:728
      public transOff(): void Disable Transactions
      * Disable Transactions
      * This permits transactions to be disabled at run-time.
      * @return void
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:744
      public transStrict(bool $mode = true): $this Enable/disable Transaction Strict Mode
      * Enable/disable Transaction Strict Mode
      * When strict mode is enabled, if you are running multiple groups of
      * transactions, if one group fails all subsequent groups will be
      * rolled back.
      * If strict mode is disabled, each group is treated autonomously,
      * meaning a failure of one group will not affect any others
      * @param bool $mode = true
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:763
      public transStart(bool $testMode = false): bool Start Transaction
      * Start Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:773
      public transException(bool $transExcetion): $this If set to true, exceptions are thrown during transactions.
      * If set to true, exceptions are thrown during transactions.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:787
      public transComplete(): bool Complete Transaction
      * Complete Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:797
      public transStatus(): bool Lets you retrieve the transaction flag to determine if it has failed
      * Lets you retrieve the transaction flag to determine if it has failed
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:823
      public transBegin(bool $testMode = false): bool Begin Transaction
      * Begin Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:831
      public transCommit(): bool Commit Transaction
      * Commit Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:865
      public transRollback(): bool Rollback Transaction
      * Rollback Transaction
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:884
      public table($tableName): BaseBuilder Returns a non-shared new instance of the query builder for this connection.
      * Returns a non-shared new instance of the query builder for this connection.
      * @param array|string $tableName
      * @return BaseBuilder
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:924
      public newQuery(): CodeIgniter\Database\BaseBuilder Returns a new instance of the BaseBuilder class with a cleared FROM clause.
      * Returns a new instance of the BaseBuilder class with a cleared FROM clause.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:938
      public prepare(Closure $func, array $options = array()): BasePreparedQuery|null Creates a prepared statement with the database that can then be used to execu...
      * Creates a prepared statement with the database that can then
      * be used to execute multiple statements against. Within the
      * closure, you would build the query in any normal way, though
      * the Query Builder is the expected manner.
      * Example:
      *    $stmt = $db->prepare(function($db)
      *           {
      *             return $db->table('users')
      *                   ->where('id', 1)
      *                     ->get();
      *           })
      * @return BasePreparedQuery|null
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:964
      public getLastQuery(): Query Returns the last query's statement object.
      * Returns the last query's statement object.
      * @return Query
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:992
      public showLastQuery(): string Returns a string representation of the last query's statement object.
      * Returns a string representation of the last query's statement object.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1000
      public getConnectStart(): ?float Returns the time we started to connect to this database in seconds with micro...
      * Returns the time we started to connect to this database in
      * seconds with microseconds.
      * Used by the Debug Toolbar's timeline.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1011
      public getConnectDuration(int $decimals = 6): string Returns the number of seconds with microseconds that it took to connect to th...
      * Returns the number of seconds with microseconds that it took
      * to connect to the database.
      * Used by the Debug Toolbar's timeline.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1022
      public protectIdentifiers($item, bool $prefixSingle = false, ?bool $protectIdentifiers = null, bool $fieldExists = true): array|string Protect Identifiers
      * Protect Identifiers
      * This function is used extensively by the Query Builder class, and by
      * a couple functions in this class.
      * It takes a column or table name (optionally with an alias) and inserts
      * the table prefix onto it. Some logic is necessary in order to deal with
      * column names that include the path. Consider a query like this:
      * SELECT hostname.database.table.column AS c FROM hostname.database.table
      * Or a query with aliasing:
      * SELECT m.member_id, m.member_name FROM members AS m
      * Since the column name can include up to four segments (host, DB, table, column)
      * or also have an alias prefix, we need to do a bit of work to figure this out and
      * insert the table prefix (if it exists) in the proper position, and escape only
      * the correct identifiers.
      * @param array|int|string $item
      * @param bool             $prefixSingle       Prefix a table name with no segments?
      * @param bool             $protectIdentifiers Protect table or column names?
      * @param bool             $fieldExists        Supplied $item contains a column name?
      * @return         array|string
      * @phpstan-return ($item is array ? array : string)
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1055
      public escapeIdentifier(string $item): string Escape the SQL Identifier
      * Escape the SQL Identifier
      * This function escapes single identifier.
      * @param non-empty-string $item
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1215
      public escapeIdentifiers($item): array|string Escape the SQL Identifiers
      * Escape the SQL Identifiers
      * This function escapes column and table names
      * @param array|string $item
      * @return         array|string
      * @phpstan-return ($item is array ? array : string)
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1236
      public prefixTable(string $table = ''): string Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration
      * Prepends a database prefix if one exists in configuration
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1296
      public escape($str): array|float|int|string "Smart" Escape String
      * "Smart" Escape String
      * Escapes data based on type.
      * Sets boolean and null types
      * @param array|bool|float|int|object|string|null $str
      * @return         array|float|int|string
      * @phpstan-return ($str is array ? array : float|int|string)
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1321
      public escapeString($str, bool $like = false): list<string>|string Escape String
      * Escape String
      * @param list<string|Stringable>|string|Stringable $str  Input string
      * @param bool                                      $like Whether the string will be used in a LIKE condition
      * @return list<string>|string
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1354
      public escapeLikeString($str): list<string>|string Escape LIKE String
      * Escape LIKE String
      * Calls the individual driver for platform
      * specific escaping for LIKE conditions
      * @param list<string|Stringable>|string|Stringable $str
      * @return list<string>|string
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1404
      public callFunction(string $functionName, $params): bool This function enables you to call PHP database functions that are not nativel...
      * This function enables you to call PHP database functions that are not natively included
      * in CodeIgniter, in a platform independent manner.
      * @param array ...$params
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1427
      public listTables(bool $constrainByPrefix = false): false|list<string> Returns an array of table names
      * Returns an array of table names
      * @return false|list<string>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1465
      public tableExists(string $tableName, bool $cached = true): bool Determine if a particular table exists
      * Determine if a particular table exists
      * @param bool $cached Whether to use data cache
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1502
      public getFieldNames(string $table): false|list<string> Fetch Field Names
      * Fetch Field Names
      * @return false|list<string>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1543
      public fieldExists(string $fieldName, string $tableName): bool Determine if a particular field exists
      * Determine if a particular field exists
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1588
      public getFieldData(string $table): list<stdClass> Returns an object with field data
      * Returns an object with field data
      * @return list<stdClass>
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1598
      public getIndexData(string $table): array<string, stdClass> Returns an object with key data
      * Returns an object with key data
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1608
      public getForeignKeyData(string $table): array<string, stdClass> Returns an object with foreign key data
      * Returns an object with foreign key data
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1618
      public disableForeignKeyChecks(): bool Disables foreign key checks temporarily.
      * Disables foreign key checks temporarily.
      * @return bool
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1675
      public enableForeignKeyChecks(): bool Enables foreign key checks temporarily.
      * Enables foreign key checks temporarily.
      * @return bool
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1692
      public pretend(bool $pretend = true): $this Allows the engine to be set into a mode where queries are not actually execut...
      * Allows the engine to be set into a mode where queries are not
      * actually executed, but they are still generated, timed, etc.
      * This is primarily used by the prepared query functionality.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1712
      public resetDataCache(): $this Empties our data cache. Especially helpful during testing.
      * Empties our data cache. Especially helpful during testing.
      * @return $this
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1724
      public isWriteType($sql): bool Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
      * Determines if the statement is a write-type query or not.
      * @param string $sql
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1736
      public __get(string $key): array|bool|float|int|object|resource|string|null Accessor for properties if they exist.
      * Accessor for properties if they exist.
      * @return array|bool|float|int|object|resource|string|null
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1838
      public __isset(string $key): bool Checker for properties existence.
      * Checker for properties existence.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1850
      protected _close(): void Close the database connection.
      * Close the database connection.
      * @return void
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:254
      protected execute(string $sql): false|mysqli_result; Executes the query against the database.
      * Executes the query against the database.
      * @return false|mysqli_result;
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:302
      protected prepQuery(string $sql): string Prep the query. If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string
      * Prep the query. If needed, each database adapter can prep the query string
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:327
      protected _escapeString(string $str): string Platform-dependant string escape
      * Platform-dependant string escape
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:349
      protected _listTables(bool $prefixLimit = false, ?string $tableName = null): string Generates the SQL for listing tables in a platform-dependent manner. Uses esc...
      * Generates the SQL for listing tables in a platform-dependent manner.
      * Uses escapeLikeStringDirect().
      * @param string|null $tableName If $tableName is provided will return only this table if exists.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:394
      protected _listColumns(string $table = ''): string Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fe...
      * Generates a platform-specific query string so that the column names can be fetched.
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:412
      protected _fieldData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with field data
      * Returns an array of objects with field data
      * @return list<stdClass>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:424
      protected _indexData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with index data
      * Returns an array of objects with index data
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      * @throws LogicException
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:457
      protected _foreignKeyData(string $table): array Returns an array of objects with Foreign key data
      * Returns an array of objects with Foreign key data
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      * @throws DatabaseException
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:502
      protected _disableForeignKeyChecks(): string Returns platform-specific SQL to disable foreign key checks.
      * Returns platform-specific SQL to disable foreign key checks.
      * @return string
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:552
      protected _enableForeignKeyChecks(): string Returns platform-specific SQL to enable foreign key checks.
      * Returns platform-specific SQL to enable foreign key checks.
      * @return string
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:562
      protected _transBegin(): bool Begin Transaction
      * Begin Transaction
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:600
      protected _transCommit(): bool Commit Transaction
      * Commit Transaction
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:610
      protected _transRollback(): bool Rollback Transaction
      * Rollback Transaction
      Defined in .../Database/MySQLi/Connection.php:624
      protected getDriverFunctionPrefix(): string Get the prefix of the function to access the DB.
      * Get the prefix of the function to access the DB.
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1449
      protected foreignKeyDataToObjects(array $data): array<string, stdClass> Converts array of arrays generated by _foreignKeyData() to array of objects
      * Converts array of arrays generated by _foreignKeyData() to array of objects
      * @return array<string, stdClass>
      * array[
      *    {constraint_name} =>
      *        stdClass[
      *            'constraint_name'     => string,
      *            'table_name'          => string,
      *            'column_name'         => string[],
      *            'foreign_table_name'  => string,
      *            'foreign_column_name' => string[],
      *            'on_delete'           => string,
      *            'on_update'           => string,
      *            'match'               => string
      *        ]
      * ]
      Inherited from CodeIgniter\Database\BaseConnection
      Defined in .../Database/BaseConnection.php:1642
    protected dbClaqueteName -> string (18) "claquete_principal"
    protected DBGroup -> null
    protected dbName -> string (18) "arcoplex_principal"
    protected deletedField -> string (10) "deleted_at"
    protected escape -> array (0)
    protected exibidor -> integer 6
    protected insertID -> integer 0
    protected linkVendabem -> string (65) ""
    protected MainCine -> integer 58
    protected primaryKey -> string (2) "id"
    protected protectFields -> boolean true
    protected returnType -> string (5) "array"
    protected skipValidation -> boolean false
    protected statusExibicao -> array (5)
    Em Cartaz => array (4)
    0 => string (2) "pv"
    1 => string (2) "pe"
    2 => string (1) "e"
    3 => string (1) "c"
    Em Breve => array (1)
    0 => string (1) "b"
    Pré-Estreia => array (0)
    Estreia => array (0)
    Pré-Venda => array (0)
    protected table -> null
    protected tempAllowCallbacks -> boolean true
    protected tempData -> array (0)
    protected tempReturnType -> string (5) "array"
    protected tempUseSoftDeletes -> boolean false
    protected updatedField -> string (10) "updated_at"
    protected updateOnlyChanged -> boolean true
    protected useAutoIncrement -> boolean true
    protected useSoftDeletes -> boolean false
    protected useTimestamps -> boolean false
    protected validation -> null
    protected validationMessages -> array (0)
    protected validationRules -> array (0)
    private builderMethodsNotAvailable -> array (3)
    0 => string (17) "getCompiledInsert"
    1 => string (17) "getCompiledSelect"
    2 => string (17) "getCompiledUpdate"
    private prefixo -> string (9) "Arcoplex_"
  • public getRelFilmeIngresso(): object lista de programação ingresso. Retorna a programação da no Claquete
    * Retorna a programação da no Claquete
    * @return object lista de programação ingresso.
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:17
    public getRelFilmeVelox(): object lista de programação ingresso. Retorna a programação da no Claquete
    * Retorna a programação da no Claquete
    * @return object lista de programação ingresso.
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:30
    public getMoviesInProg($data0, $fim0, $new0): object Lista de Filmes e sua Categoria de exibição. Retorna uma lista dos filmes na Programação, caso o filme não tenha um status...
    $value->getMoviesInProg($data0, $fim0, $new0)
    * Retorna uma lista dos filmes na Programação, caso o filme não tenha um status
    * o mesmo recebra automaticamente o status 'c' que representa em cartaz(1°Query).
    * Caso o filme ja exista é consultado no sistema o status atual do mesmo e
    * retornado(2°Query).
    * @param data $data Data de inicio do periodo
    * @param int $fim Irrelevante
    * @param int $new Se a consulta deve ser executada como filme novo ou existente.
    * @return object Lista de Filmes e sua Categoria de exibição.
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:49
    public getRelFilmeCategoriaGroupByDay(): array Lista de Filmes e Status de Exibição. Retorna a listagem dos Filmes pelos periodos de exibição definidos nas Catego...
    * Retorna a listagem dos Filmes pelos periodos de exibição definidos nas Categorias.
    * @return array Lista de Filmes e Status de Exibição.
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:62
    public getRelProgramacaoStatus($cod_cinema_claquete, $emBreve = null, $today = false, $rede = null): array listagem de Filmes e status. Retorna a listagem do Status de Exibição de todos os filmes em todas as categ...
    $value->getRelProgramacaoStatus($cod_cinema_claquete, $emBreve = null, $today = false, $rede = null)
    * Retorna a listagem do Status de Exibição de todos os filmes em todas as categorias junto a
    * seus respectivos filmes.
    * @param int $cod_cinema_claquete
    * @return array listagem de Filmes e status.
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:81
    public getDataRelProgramacaoStatus(): date Data de inicio da Programação. Retorna a data de inicio da Programação presente no sistema.
    * Retorna a data de inicio da Programação presente no sistema.
    * @return date Data de inicio da Programação.
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:138
    public getMovieById($fkClaquete): object Filme e status. Retorna um filme por seu ID junto com seu status de exibição atual.
    * Retorna um filme por seu ID junto com seu status de exibição atual.
    * @param int $cine Id do Cinema.
    * @param int $fkClaquete Id do Filme.
    * @return object Filme e status.
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:155
    public getFotosFilme($fkClaquete) método para pegar o filme
    /** método para pegar o filme */
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:188
    public getExibicao($cod_cinema, $tipo): object Lista de Staus de Exibição atual dos Filmes. Retorna os filmes pelo cinema agrupado pelo status, no tipo 1 temos a aba Em ...
    $value->getExibicao($cod_cinema, $tipo)
    * Retorna os filmes pelo cinema agrupado pelo status, no tipo 1 temos a aba Em Cartaz
    * da Homepage do Publico do site. Caso tipo seja 0 deveria-se poder especificar qual grupo d
    * e status se quer ter, aguardando desenvolvimento.
    * @param int $cod_cinema id do Cinema.
    * @param int $tipo tipo de pesquisa 1 -> Cartaz se não um status especifico.
    * @return object Lista de Staus de Exibição atual dos Filmes.
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:205
    public getFilmesEmBreve()
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:251
    public cinemasFilmeEmBreve($FK_Filme)
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:263
    public filmesVendaBem(): object lista de Filmes VendaBem. Retorna um a lista dos filmes da vendaBem que ja foram cadastrados.
    * Retorna um a lista dos filmes da vendaBem que ja foram cadastrados.
    * @return object lista de Filmes VendaBem.
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:284
    public buscaFilmes($termo)
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:293
    public statusFilme($fkCinema): object Pegas os filme em Cartaz e exibição e
    * Pegas os filme em Cartaz e exibição e
    * @return object
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:310
    public seekAcessibilidade($idFilme)
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:347
    public generos()
    Defined in .../app/Models/FilmeClaqueteMD.php:366
    public proxQuinta(): date Retorna a proxima quinta-feira
    * Retorna a proxima quinta-feira
    * @return date
    Inherited from App\Models\BaseModel
    Defined in .../app/Models/BaseModel.php:201
    public getLinkVendBem($cinema, $filme, $sessao, $idSessao): String Retorna o link de Sessão VendaBem
    $value->getLinkVendBem($cinema, $filme, $sessao, $idSessao)
    * Retorna o link de Sessão VendaBem
    * @return String
    Inherited from App\Models\BaseModel
    Defined in .../app/Models/BaseModel.php:217
    public __construct(?CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface $db = null, ?CodeIgniter\Validation\ValidationInterface $validation = null)
    new \App\Models\FilmeClaqueteMD(?CodeIgniter\Database\ConnectionInterface $db = null, ?CodeIgniter\Validation\ValidationInterface $validation = null)
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:150
    public setTable(string $table): $this Specify the table associated with a model
    $value->setTable(string $table)
    * Specify the table associated with a model
    * @param string $table Table
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:169
    public getIdValue($row): array|int|string|null Returns the id value for the data array or object
    * Returns the id value for the data array or object
    * @param         array|object     $row Row data
    * @phpstan-param row_array|object $row
    * @return array|int|string|null
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:593
    public chunk(int $size, Closure $userFunc): void Loops over records in batches, allowing you to operate on them. Works with $t...
    $value->chunk(int $size, Closure $userFunc)
    * Loops over records in batches, allowing you to operate on them.
    * Works with $this->builder to get the Compiled select to
    * determine the rows to operate on.
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @return void
    * @throws DataException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:631
    public countAllResults(bool $reset = true, bool $test = false): int|string Override countAllResults to account for soft deleted accounts.
    $value->countAllResults(bool $reset = true, bool $test = false)
    * Override countAllResults to account for soft deleted accounts.
    * @return int|string
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:665
    public builder(?string $table = null): BaseBuilder Provides a shared instance of the Query Builder.
    $value->builder(?string $table = null)
    * Provides a shared instance of the Query Builder.
    * @param non-empty-string|null $table
    * @return BaseBuilder
    * @throws ModelException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:690
    public set($key, $value = '', ?bool $escape = null): $this Captures the builder's set() method so that we can validate the data here. Th...
    $value->set($key, $value = '', ?bool $escape = null)
    * Captures the builder's set() method so that we can validate the
    * data here. This allows it to be used with any of the other
    * builder methods and still get validated data, like replace.
    * @param array|object|string               $key    Field name, or an array of field/value pairs, or an object
    * @param bool|float|int|object|string|null $value  Field value, if $key is a single field
    * @param bool|null                         $escape Whether to escape values
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:737
    public insert($row = null, bool $returnID = true): bool|int|string Inserts data into the database. If an object is provided, it will attempt to ...
    $value->insert($row = null, bool $returnID = true)
    * Inserts data into the database. If an object is provided,
    * it will attempt to convert it to an array.
    * @param         array|object|null     $row
    * @phpstan-param row_array|object|null $row
    * @param         bool                  $returnID Whether insert ID should be returned or not.
    * @return         bool|int|string
    * @phpstan-return ($returnID is true ? int|string|false : bool)
    * @throws ReflectionException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:788
    public update($id = null, $row = null): bool Updates a single record in the database. If an object is provided, it will at...
    $value->update($id = null, $row = null)
    * Updates a single record in the database. If an object is provided,
    * it will attempt to convert it into an array.
    * @param         array|int|string|null $id
    * @param         array|object|null     $row
    * @phpstan-param row_array|object|null $row
    * @throws ReflectionException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:851
    public __get(string $name): array|BaseBuilder|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides/instantiates the builder/db connection and model's table/primary key...
    * Provides/instantiates the builder/db connection and model's table/primary key names and return type.
    * @param string $name Name
    * @return array|BaseBuilder|bool|float|int|object|string|null
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:891
    public __isset(string $name): bool Checks for the existence of properties across this model, builder, and db con...
    * Checks for the existence of properties across this model, builder, and db connection.
    * @param string $name Name
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:905
    public __call(string $name, array $params): $this|array|BaseBuilder|bool|float|int|object|string|null Provides direct access to method in the builder (if available) and the databa...
    * Provides direct access to method in the builder (if available)
    * and the database connection.
    * @return $this|array|BaseBuilder|bool|float|int|object|string|null
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:920
    public find($id = null): array|object|null The resulting row of data, or null. Fetches the row of database.
    $value->find($id = null)
    * Fetches the row of database.
    * @param array|int|string|null $id One primary key or an array of primary keys
    * @return         array|object|null                                                    The resulting row of data, or null.
    * @phpstan-return ($id is int|string ? row_array|object|null : list<row_array|object>)
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:591
    public findColumn(string $columnName): array|null The resulting row of data, or null if no data found. Fetches the column of database.
    $value->findColumn(string $columnName)
    * Fetches the column of database.
    * @param string $columnName Column Name
    * @return array|null The resulting row of data, or null if no data found.
    * @throws DataException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:635
    public findAll(?int $limit = null, int $offset0): array Fetches all results, while optionally limiting them.
    $value->findAll(?int $limit = null, int $offset0)
    * Fetches all results, while optionally limiting them.
    * @param int $limit  Limit
    * @param int $offset Offset
    * @return array
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:654
    public first(): array|object|null Returns the first row of the result set.
    * Returns the first row of the result set.
    * @return array|object|null
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:699
    public save($row): bool A convenience method that will attempt to determine whether the data should b...
    * A convenience method that will attempt to determine whether the
    * data should be inserted or updated. Will work with either
    * an array or object. When using with custom class objects,
    * you must ensure that the class will provide access to the class
    * variables, even if through a magic method.
    * @param         array|object     $row Row data
    * @phpstan-param row_array|object $row
    * @throws ReflectionException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:742
    public getInsertID(): int|string Returns last insert ID or 0.
    * Returns last insert ID or 0.
    * @return int|string
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:780
    public insertBatch(?array $set = null, ?bool $escape = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $testing = false): bool|int Number of rows inserted or FALSE on failure Compiles batch insert runs the queries, validating each row prior.
    $value->insertBatch(?array $set = null, ?bool $escape = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $testing = false)
    * Compiles batch insert runs the queries, validating each row prior.
    * @param         list<array|object>|null     $set       an associative array of insert values
    * @phpstan-param list<row_array|object>|null $set
    * @param         bool|null                   $escape    Whether to escape values
    * @param         int                         $batchSize The size of the batch to run
    * @param         bool                        $testing   True means only number of records is returned, false will execute the query
    * @return bool|int Number of rows inserted or FALSE on failure
    * @throws ReflectionException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:907
    public updateBatch(?array $set = null, ?string $index = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $returnSQL = false): false|int|list<string> Number of rows affected or FALSE on failure, SQL array when testMode Compiles an update and runs the query.
    $value->updateBatch(?array $set = null, ?string $index = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $returnSQL = false)
    * Compiles an update and runs the query.
    * @param         list<array|object>|null     $set       an associative array of insert values
    * @phpstan-param list<row_array|object>|null $set
    * @param         string|null                 $index     The where key
    * @param         int                         $batchSize The size of the batch to run
    * @param         bool                        $returnSQL True means SQL is returned, false will execute the query
    * @return false|int|list<string> Number of rows affected or FALSE on failure, SQL array when testMode
    * @throws DatabaseException
    * @throws ReflectionException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1054
    public delete($id = null, bool $purge = false): BaseResult|bool Deletes a single record from the database where $id matches.
    $value->delete($id = null, bool $purge = false)
    * Deletes a single record from the database where $id matches.
    * @param array|int|string|null $id    The rows primary key(s)
    * @param bool                  $purge Allows overriding the soft deletes setting.
    * @return BaseResult|bool
    * @throws DatabaseException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1135
    public purgeDeleted(): bool|string Returns a string if in test mode. Permanently deletes all rows that have been marked as deleted through soft de...
    * Permanently deletes all rows that have been marked as deleted
    * through soft deletes (deleted = 1).
    * @return bool|string Returns a string if in test mode.
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1176
    public withDeleted(bool $val = true): $this Sets $useSoftDeletes value so that we can temporarily override the soft delet...
    $value->withDeleted(bool $val = true)
    * Sets $useSoftDeletes value so that we can temporarily override
    * the soft deletes settings. Can be used for all find* methods.
    * @param bool $val Value
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1193
    public onlyDeleted(): $this Works with the find* methods to return only the rows that have been deleted.
    * Works with the find* methods to return only the rows that
    * have been deleted.
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1206
    public replace(?array $row = null, bool $returnSQL = false): BaseResult|false|Query|string Compiles a replace and runs the query.
    $value->replace(?array $row = null, bool $returnSQL = false)
    * Compiles a replace and runs the query.
    * @param         array|null     $row       Row data
    * @phpstan-param row_array|null $row
    * @param         bool           $returnSQL Set to true to return Query String
    * @return BaseResult|false|Query|string
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1223
    public errors(bool $forceDB = false): array<string,string> Grabs the last error(s) that occurred. If data was validated, it will first c...
    $value->errors(bool $forceDB = false)
    * Grabs the last error(s) that occurred. If data was validated,
    * it will first check for errors there, otherwise will try to
    * grab the last error from the Database connection.
    * The return array should be in the following format:
    *  ['source' => 'message']
    * @param bool $forceDB Always grab the db error, not validation
    * @return array<string,string>
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1247
    public paginate(?int $perPage = null, string $group = 'default', ?int $page = null, int $segment0): array|null Works with Pager to get the size and offset parameters. Expects a GET variabl...
    $value->paginate(?int $perPage = null, string $group = 'default', ?int $page = null, int $segment0)
    * Works with Pager to get the size and offset parameters.
    * Expects a GET variable (?page=2) that specifies the page of results
    * to display.
    * @param int|null $perPage Items per page
    * @param string   $group   Will be used by the pagination library to identify a unique pagination set.
    * @param int|null $page    Optional page number (useful when the page number is provided in different way)
    * @param int      $segment Optional URI segment number (if page number is provided by URI segment)
    * @return array|null
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1273
    public setAllowedFields(array $allowedFields): $this It could be used when you have to change default or override current allowed ...
    $value->setAllowedFields(array $allowedFields)
    * It could be used when you have to change default or override current allowed fields.
    * @param array $allowedFields Array with names of fields
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1298
    public protect(bool $protect = true): $this Sets whether or not we should whitelist data set during updates or inserts ag...
    $value->protect(bool $protect = true)
    * Sets whether or not we should whitelist data set during
    * updates or inserts against $this->availableFields.
    * @param bool $protect Value
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1313
    public skipValidation(bool $skip = true): $this Set the value of the skipValidation flag.
    $value->skipValidation(bool $skip = true)
    * Set the value of the skipValidation flag.
    * @param bool $skip Value
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1440
    public setValidationMessages(array $validationMessages): $this Allows to set (and reset) validation messages. It could be used when you have...
    $value->setValidationMessages(array $validationMessages)
    * Allows to set (and reset) validation messages.
    * It could be used when you have to change default or override current validate messages.
    * @param array $validationMessages Value
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1455
    public setValidationMessage(string $field, array $fieldMessages): $this Allows to set field wise validation message. It could be used when you have t...
    $value->setValidationMessage(string $field, array $fieldMessages)
    * Allows to set field wise validation message.
    * It could be used when you have to change default or override current validate messages.
    * @param string $field         Field Name
    * @param array  $fieldMessages Validation messages
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1471
    public setValidationRules(array $validationRules): $this Allows to set (and reset) validation rules. It could be used when you have to...
    $value->setValidationRules(array $validationRules)
    * Allows to set (and reset) validation rules.
    * It could be used when you have to change default or override current validate rules.
    * @param array<string, array<string, array<string, string>|string>|string> $validationRules Value
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1486
    public setValidationRule(string $field, $fieldRules): $this Allows to set field wise validation rules. It could be used when you have to ...
    $value->setValidationRule(string $field, $fieldRules)
    * Allows to set field wise validation rules.
    * It could be used when you have to change default or override current validate rules.
    * @param string       $field      Field Name
    * @param array|string $fieldRules Validation rules
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1502
    public cleanRules(bool $choice = false): $this Should validation rules be removed before saving? Most handy when doing updates.
    $value->cleanRules(bool $choice = false)
    * Should validation rules be removed before saving?
    * Most handy when doing updates.
    * @param bool $choice Value
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1530
    public validate($row): bool Validate the row data against the validation rules (or the validation group) ...
    * Validate the row data against the validation rules (or the validation group)
    * specified in the class property, $validationRules.
    * @param         array|object     $row Row data
    * @phpstan-param row_array|object $row
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1544
    public getValidationRules(array $options = array()): array Returns the model's defined validation rules so that they can be used elsewhe...
    $value->getValidationRules(array $options = array())
    * Returns the model's defined validation rules so that they
    * can be used elsewhere, if needed.
    * @param array $options Options
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1586
    public getValidationMessages(): array Returns the model's validation messages, so they can be used elsewhere, if ne...
    * Returns the model's validation messages, so they
    * can be used elsewhere, if needed.
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1620
    public allowCallbacks(bool $val = true): $this Sets $tempAllowCallbacks value so that we can temporarily override the settin...
    $value->allowCallbacks(bool $val = true)
    * Sets $tempAllowCallbacks value so that we can temporarily override
    * the setting. Resets after the next method that uses triggers.
    * @param bool $val value
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1657
    public asArray(): $this Sets the return type of the results to be as an associative array.
    * Sets the return type of the results to be as an associative array.
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1709
    public asObject(string $class = 'object'): $this Sets the return type to be of the specified type of object. Defaults to a sim...
    $value->asObject(string $class = 'object')
    * Sets the return type to be of the specified type of object.
    * Defaults to a simple object, but can be any class that has
    * class vars with the same name as the collection columns,
    * or at least allows them to be created.
    * @param 'object'|class-string $class Class Name
    * @return $this
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1726
    public allowEmptyInserts(bool $value = true): self Sets $allowEmptyInserts.
    $value->allowEmptyInserts(bool $value = true)
    * Sets $allowEmptyInserts.
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1928
    protected initialize(): void Inicializa os bancos de dados e define o cinema principal.
    * Inicializa os bancos de dados e define o cinema principal.
    * @return void
    Inherited from App\Models\BaseModel
    Defined in .../app/Models/BaseModel.php:53
    protected doFind(bool $singleton, $id = null): array|object|null The resulting row of data, or null. Fetches the row(s) of database from $this->table with a primary key matching ...
    * Fetches the row(s) of database from $this->table with a primary key
    * matching $id.
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @param bool                  $singleton Single or multiple results
    * @param array|int|string|null $id        One primary key or an array of primary keys
    * @return         array|object|null                                                     The resulting row of data, or null.
    * @phpstan-return ($singleton is true ? row_array|null|object : list<row_array|object>)
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:187
    protected doFindColumn(string $columnName): array|null The resulting row of data, or null if no data found. Fetches the column of database from $this->table. This method works only with...
    * Fetches the column of database from $this->table.
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @param string $columnName Column Name
    * @return         array|null           The resulting row of data, or null if no data found.
    * @phpstan-return list<row_array>|null
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:250
    protected doFindAll(?int $limit = null, int $offset0): array Works with the current Query Builder instance to return all results, while op...
    * Works with the current Query Builder instance to return
    * all results, while optionally limiting them.
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @param int|null $limit  Limit
    * @param int      $offset Offset
    * @return         array
    * @phpstan-return list<row_array|object>
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:266
    protected doFirst(): array|object|null Returns the first row of the result set. Will take any previous Query Builder...
    * Returns the first row of the result set. Will take any previous
    * Query Builder calls into account when determining the result set.
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @return         array|object|null
    * @phpstan-return row_array|object|null
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:308
    protected doInsert(array $row): bool Inserts data into the current table. This method works only with dbCalls.
    * Inserts data into the current table.
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @param         array     $row Row data
    * @phpstan-param row_array $row
    * @return bool
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:350
    protected doInsertBatch(?array $set = null, ?bool $escape = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $testing = false): bool|int Number of rows inserted or FALSE on failure Compiles batch insert strings and runs the queries, validating each row prior...
    * Compiles batch insert strings and runs the queries, validating each row prior.
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @param array|null $set       An associative array of insert values
    * @param bool|null  $escape    Whether to escape values
    * @param int        $batchSize The size of the batch to run
    * @param bool       $testing   True means only number of records is returned, false will execute the query
    * @return bool|int Number of rows inserted or FALSE on failure
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:416
    protected doUpdate($id = null, $row = null): bool Updates a single record in $this->table. This method works only with dbCalls.
    * Updates a single record in $this->table.
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @param         array|int|string|null $id
    * @param         array|null            $row Row data
    * @phpstan-param row_array|null        $row
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:439
    protected doUpdateBatch(?array $set = null, ?string $index = null, int $batchSize = 100, bool $returnSQL = false): false|int|list<string> Number of rows affected or FALSE on failure, SQL array when testMode Compiles an update string and runs the query This method works only with dbCa...
    * Compiles an update string and runs the query
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @param array|null  $set       An associative array of update values
    * @param string|null $index     The where key
    * @param int         $batchSize The size of the batch to run
    * @param bool        $returnSQL True means SQL is returned, false will execute the query
    * @return false|int|list<string> Number of rows affected or FALSE on failure, SQL array when testMode
    * @throws DatabaseException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:477
    protected doDelete($id = null, bool $purge = false): bool|string SQL string when testMode Deletes a single record from $this->table where $id matches the table's prima...
    * Deletes a single record from $this->table where $id matches
    * the table's primaryKey
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @param array|int|string|null $id    The rows primary key(s)
    * @param bool                  $purge Allows overriding the soft deletes setting.
    * @return bool|string SQL string when testMode
    * @throws DatabaseException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:494
    protected doPurgeDeleted(): bool|string Returns a SQL string if in test mode. Permanently deletes all rows that have been marked as deleted through soft de...
    * Permanently deletes all rows that have been marked as deleted
    * through soft deletes (deleted = 1)
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @return bool|string Returns a SQL string if in test mode.
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:531
    protected doOnlyDeleted(): void Works with the find* methods to return only the rows that have been deleted. ...
    * Works with the find* methods to return only the rows that
    * have been deleted.
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @return void
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:545
    protected doReplace(?array $row = null, bool $returnSQL = false): BaseResult|false|Query|string Compiles a replace into string and runs the query This method works only with...
    * Compiles a replace into string and runs the query
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @param         array|null     $row       Data
    * @phpstan-param row_array|null $row
    * @param         bool           $returnSQL Set to true to return Query String
    * @return BaseResult|false|Query|string
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:560
    protected doErrors(): array<string, string> Grabs the last error(s) that occurred from the Database connection. The retur...
    * Grabs the last error(s) that occurred from the Database connection.
    * The return array should be in the following format:
    *  ['source' => 'message']
    * This method works only with dbCalls.
    * @return array<string, string>
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:573
    protected shouldUpdate($row): bool This method is called on save to determine if entry have to be updated If thi...
    * This method is called on save to determine if entry have to be updated
    * If this method return false insert operation will be executed
    * @param array|object $row Data
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:760
    protected doProtectFieldsForInsert(array $row): array Ensures that only the fields that are allowed to be inserted are in the data ...
    * Ensures that only the fields that are allowed to be inserted are in
    * the data array.
    * @used-by insert() to protect against mass assignment vulnerabilities.
    * @used-by insertBatch() to protect against mass assignment vulnerabilities.
    * @param         array     $row Row data
    * @phpstan-param row_array $row
    * @throws DataException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:817
    protected objectToRawArray($object, bool $onlyChanged = true, bool $recursive = false): array Takes a class and returns an array of its public and protected properties as ...
    * Takes a class and returns an array of its public and protected
    * properties as an array with raw values.
    * @param object $object    Object
    * @param bool   $recursive If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well
    * @return array<string, mixed> Array with raw values.
    * @throws ReflectionException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\Model
    Defined in .../Model.php:879
    protected createDataConverter(): void Creates DataConverter instance.
    * Creates DataConverter instance.
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:377
    protected useCasts(): bool Are casts used?
    * Are casts used?
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:391
    protected setCreatedField(array $row, $date): array Set datetime to created field.
    * Set datetime to created field.
    * @phpstan-param row_array  $row
    * @param         int|string $date timestamp or datetime string
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:870
    protected setUpdatedField(array $row, $date): array Set datetime to updated field.
    * Set datetime to updated field.
    * @phpstan-param row_array  $row
    * @param         int|string $date timestamp or datetime string
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:885
    protected doProtectFields(array $row): array Ensures that only the fields that are allowed to be updated are in the data a...
    * Ensures that only the fields that are allowed to be updated are
    * in the data array.
    * @used-by update() to protect against mass assignment vulnerabilities.
    * @used-by updateBatch() to protect against mass assignment vulnerabilities.
    * @param         array     $row Row data
    * @phpstan-param row_array $row
    * @throws DataException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1332
    protected setDate(?int $userData = null): int|string Sets the date or current date if null value is passed.
    * Sets the date or current date if null value is passed.
    * @param int|null $userData An optional PHP timestamp to be converted.
    * @return int|string
    * @throws ModelException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1377
    protected intToDate(int $value): int|string A utility function to allow child models to use the type of date/time format ...
    * A utility function to allow child models to use the type of
    * date/time format that they prefer. This is primarily used for
    * setting created_at, updated_at and deleted_at values, but can be
    * used by inheriting classes.
    * The available time formats are:
    *  - 'int'      - Stores the date as an integer timestamp
    *  - 'datetime' - Stores the data in the SQL datetime format
    *  - 'date'     - Stores the date (only) in the SQL date format.
    * @param int $value value
    * @return int|string
    * @throws ModelException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1401
    protected timeToDate(CodeIgniter\I18n\Time $value): int|string Converts Time value to string using $this->dateFormat.
    * Converts Time value to string using $this->dateFormat.
    * The available time formats are:
    *  - 'int'      - Stores the date as an integer timestamp
    *  - 'datetime' - Stores the data in the SQL datetime format
    *  - 'date'     - Stores the date (only) in the SQL date format.
    * @param Time $value value
    * @return int|string
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1423
    protected ensureValidation(): void
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1609
    protected cleanValidationRules(array $rules, ?array $row = null): array Removes any rules that apply to fields that have not been set currently so th...
    * Removes any rules that apply to fields that have not been set
    * currently so that rules don't block updating when only updating
    * a partial row.
    * @param         array     $rules Array containing field name and rule
    * @param         array     $row   Row data (@TODO Remove null in param type)
    * @phpstan-param row_array $row
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1634
    protected trigger(string $event, array $eventData): array A simple event trigger for Model Events that allows additional data manipulat...
    * A simple event trigger for Model Events that allows additional
    * data manipulation within the model. Specifically intended for
    * usage by child models this can be used to format data,
    * save/load related classes, etc.
    * It is the responsibility of the callback methods to return
    * the data itself.
    * Each $eventData array MUST have a 'data' key with the relevant
    * data for callback methods (like an array of key/value pairs to insert
    * or update, an array of results, etc.)
    * If callbacks are not allowed then returns $eventData immediately.
    * @param string $event     Event
    * @param array  $eventData Event Data
    * @return array
    * @throws DataException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1686
    protected objectToArray($object, bool $onlyChanged = true, bool $recursive = false): array Takes a class and returns an array of its public and protected properties as ...
    * Takes a class and returns an array of its public and protected
    * properties as an array suitable for use in creates and updates.
    * This method uses objectToRawArray() internally and does conversion
    * to string on all Time instances
    * @param object $object      Object
    * @param bool   $onlyChanged Only Changed Property
    * @param bool   $recursive   If true, inner entities will be cast as array as well
    * @return array<string, mixed>
    * @throws ReflectionException
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1747
    protected timeToString(array $properties): array Convert any Time instances to appropriate $dateFormat.
    * Convert any Time instances to appropriate $dateFormat.
    * @param array<string, mixed> $properties
    * @return array<string, mixed>
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1762
    protected transformDataToArray($row, string $type): array Transform data to array.
    * Transform data to array.
    * @param         array|object|null     $row  Row data
    * @phpstan-param row_array|object|null $row
    * @param         string                $type Type of data (insert|update)
    * @throws DataException
    * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    * @throws ReflectionException
    * @used-by insert()
    * @used-by update()
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1826
    protected convertToReturnType(array $row, string $returnType): object|array Converts database data array to return type value.
    * Converts database data array to return type value.
    * @param array<string, mixed>          $row        Raw data from database
    * @param 'array'|'object'|class-string $returnType
    Inherited from CodeIgniter\BaseModel
    Defined in .../BaseModel.php:1941
    public static url_amigavel($string): string texto normalizado. Recebe uma string e remove os acentos.
    * Recebe uma string e remove os acentos.
    * @param string $string texto a ter caracteres substituidos.
    * @return string texto normalizado.
    Inherited from App\Models\BaseModel
    Defined in .../app/Models/BaseModel.php:179
  • public static $client :: string (8) "Arcoplex"
    public static $urlName :: boolean false
    public static $manualprog :: boolean false
    public static $quinta :: string (10) "2025-04-03"
    public static $mobile :: boolean false
    public static $globalBanner :: array (2)
    0 => string (4) "prom"
    1 => string (4) "prod"
    public static $postTypes :: array (14)
    produtos => array (3)
    titulo => string (8) "Produtos"
    tipo => string (4) "prod"
    padrao => string (6) "normal"
    projetos => array (3)
    titulo => string (8) "Projetos"
    tipo => string (4) "proj"
    padrao => string (6) "normal"
    promocoes => array (3)
    titulo => UTF-8 string (11) "Promoções"
    tipo => string (4) "prom"
    padrao => string (6) "normal"
    diferenciais => array (3)
    titulo => string (12) "Diferenciais"
    tipo => string (4) "dife"
    padrao => string (6) "normal"
    imagem_principal => array (3)
    titulo => string (16) "Imagem Principal"
    tipo => string (4) "carr"
    padrao => string (7) "externo"
    pub300 => array (3)
    titulo => string (19) "Publicidade 300*250"
    tipo => string (4) "b300"
    padrao => string (7) "externo"
    pub728 => array (3)
    titulo => string (18) "Publicidade 728*90"
    tipo => string (4) "b728"
    padrao => string (7) "externo"
    indexTematizacao => array (3)
    titulo => UTF-8 string (19) "Tematização Index"
    tipo => string (4) "tilb"
    padrao => string (7) "externo"
    bannerIndex => array (3)
    titulo => string (12) "Banner Index"
    tipo => string (4) "bilb"
    padrao => string (7) "externo"
    bannerHome => array (3)
    titulo => string (15) "Banner HomePage"
    tipo => string (4) "bhsc"
    padrao => string (7) "externo"
    noticias => array (4)
    titulo => string (8) "Noticias"
    tipo => string (4) "ntcs"
    padrao => string (6) "normal"
    img => string (7) "980*280"
    para-empresas => array (3)
    titulo => string (13) "Para Empresas"
    tipo => string (4) "mprs"
    padrao => string (6) "normal"
    sessoes-especiais => array (3)
    titulo => UTF-8 string (18) "Sessões Especiais"
    tipo => string (4) "ssep"
    padrao => string (6) "normal"
    destaques => array (4)
    titulo => string (9) "Destaques"
    tipo => string (4) "dtqs"
    padrao => string (6) "normal"
    img => string (7) "424*178"
$value array (0)

Session User Data

    [metatags] => Array

    [titulo] => Relatório do Sistema
    [periodos] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-03-27
                    [fim] => 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-03-20
                    [fim] => 2025-03-26

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-03-13
                    [fim] => 2025-03-19

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-03-06
                    [fim] => 2025-03-12

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-02-27
                    [fim] => 2025-03-05

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-02-20
                    [fim] => 2025-02-26

            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-02-13
                    [fim] => 2025-02-19

            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-02-06
                    [fim] => 2025-02-12

            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-01-30
                    [fim] => 2025-02-05

            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-01-23
                    [fim] => 2025-01-29

            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-01-16
                    [fim] => 2025-01-22

            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-01-09
                    [fim] => 2025-01-15

            [12] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2025-01-02
                    [fim] => 2025-01-08

            [13] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-12-26
                    [fim] => 2025-01-01

            [14] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-12-19
                    [fim] => 2024-12-25

            [15] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-12-12
                    [fim] => 2024-12-18

            [16] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-12-10
                    [fim] => 2024-12-11

            [17] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-12-05
                    [fim] => 2024-12-09

            [18] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-12-04
                    [fim] => 2024-12-04

            [19] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-11-28
                    [fim] => 2024-12-03

            [20] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-11-27
                    [fim] => 2024-11-27

            [21] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-11-21
                    [fim] => 2024-11-26

            [22] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-11-19
                    [fim] => 2024-11-20

            [23] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-11-14
                    [fim] => 2024-11-18

            [24] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-11-12
                    [fim] => 2024-11-13

            [25] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-11-07
                    [fim] => 2024-11-11

            [26] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-11-05
                    [fim] => 2024-11-06

            [27] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-31
                    [fim] => 2024-11-04

            [28] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-29
                    [fim] => 2024-10-30

            [29] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-24
                    [fim] => 2024-10-28

            [30] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-23
                    [fim] => 2024-10-23

            [31] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-17
                    [fim] => 2024-10-22

            [32] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-16
                    [fim] => 2024-10-16

            [33] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-10
                    [fim] => 2024-10-15

            [34] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-08
                    [fim] => 2024-10-09

            [35] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-03
                    [fim] => 2024-10-07

            [36] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-10-02
                    [fim] => 2024-10-02

            [37] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-09-26
                    [fim] => 2024-10-01

            [38] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-09-25
                    [fim] => 2024-09-25

            [39] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-09-19
                    [fim] => 2024-09-24

            [40] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-09-17
                    [fim] => 2024-09-18

            [41] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-09-12
                    [fim] => 2024-09-16

            [42] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-09-11
                    [fim] => 2024-09-11

            [43] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-09-05
                    [fim] => 2024-09-10

            [44] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-08-29
                    [fim] => 2024-09-04

            [45] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-08-22
                    [fim] => 2024-08-28

            [46] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-08-15
                    [fim] => 2024-08-21

            [47] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-08-08
                    [fim] => 2024-08-14

            [48] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-08-01
                    [fim] => 2024-08-07

            [49] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-07-25
                    [fim] => 2024-07-31

            [50] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-07-18
                    [fim] => 2024-07-24

            [51] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-07-11
                    [fim] => 2024-07-17

            [52] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-07-04
                    [fim] => 2024-07-10

            [53] => stdClass Object
                    [inicio] => 2024-06-27
                    [fim] => 2024-07-03


    [clientName] => Arcoplex
stdClass Object
    [cineFK] => 83
    [uri] => aguas_claras
    [rota] => Array
            [0] => filme
            [1] => 16025
            [2] => cancer-com-ascendente-em-virgem

    [page] => home

Request ( HTTPS/2.0 )


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Response ( 200 - OK )


Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8

System Configuration

Read the CodeIgniter docs...

CodeIgniter Version: 4.5.3
PHP Version: 8.2.28
PHP SAPI: cgi-fcgi
Environment: development
Base URL:
Timezone: America/Sao_Paulo
Locale: en
Content Security Policy Enabled: No